I really, really LOVE 221Bs! I think the format suits me best.
Title: Communication
Words: 221
Rating: R (to be safe)
Warnings: none
Pairings : Sherlock/John
Beta: me and spell check (plus a note from Verity)
Disclaimer: Sadly the characters are not mine and no money is made (that would be sooo cool!).
Summary: John and Sherlock sometimes do not speak the same language.
221B - Communication
‘John, I’m bored.’
‘You’ve got to be kidding me! Lestrade invite us to watch the game with him and you forced me...’
‘I did not force you!’
‘No, but you made it pretty clear that you did not want to go, because it would be - and here I quote - “dull”, so of course I stayed home as well.’
‘Why? Wait, is this one of those relationship things again?’
‘Yes, it is.’ John had to swallow his smile. ‘But the important thing here is that you made me stay home and now you’re bored?’
Sherlock just stared at him with that look he had when something was obvious (to him) and he was waiting for John to catch up.
‘Sherlock, it does not work that way. You can’t just WILL me to understand. Sometimes talk is required.’
Sherlock sulked for a few minutes, then got up and left.
‘Great, now we’re resorting to leaving when something does not go to your liking?’
John closed his eyes and sighed. Then he tried figuring out what Sherlock HAD wanted him to hear. He hadn’t sounded angry or sulky like he usually did when he was bored, more ... inviting?
Then suddenly Sherlock was back. Completely naked. And aroused. Still looking at John with THAT look.
He raised one eyebrow.
‘John. I’m bored.’
AN: There is another one, but I couldn't post it to sherlockbbc because of the comm rules.
In case you want to read some (completely innocent) crack about how everybody loves THE COAT, go
here: .