Выковыривание нумэнорского изюма из полной "Природы Средиземья"

Sep 04, 2021 01:59

Ну-с! Кто-то хотел пораньше лечь спать, но словил епуб "Природы Средиземья", и, когда теперь ляжет спать, сказать трудно.
"Númenórean mental development was also assimilated to some degree to the Eldarin mode. Their mental capacity was greater and developed quicker than that of ordinary Men; and it was dominant. After about seven years they grew up mentally with rapidity, and at 20 years knew and understood far more than a normal human of that age. A consequence of this, reinforced by their expectation of long-lasting vigour which left them with little sense of urgency in the first half of their lives, was that they very often became engrossed in lore, and crafts, and various intellectual or artistic pursuits, to a far greater degree than normal."
В двух словах: в 20 лет нумэнорцы знают и понимают больше, чем обычные люди. Мозгов у них больше чем, у обычных людей. И в то, что им интересно, уходят глубже, чем люди обычно.
Со злобным хохотом вспоминаю, как на байтеряковском литсеминаре мне говорили, что перекачанные у меня персонажи: и он тебе фехтует, и математику знает, и в кораблях разбирается! А теперь понятно, что надо подбавить еще, потому что человек из королевского рода...
Ну и это, formally speaking, нумэнорцы и правда высшая раса. Кому не нравится, пусть не читает Толкина.

"Númenóreans were strictly monogamous: by law, and by their “tradition”: that is by the tradition of the original Edain concerning conduct, afterwards re-inforced by Eldarin example and teaching. There were in the early centuries few cases of the breach of the law, or even of desire to break it. The Númenóreans, or Dúnedain, were still in our terms “fallen Men”; [7] but they were descendants of ancestors who were in general wholly repentant, detesting all the corruptions of the “Shadow”; and they were specially graced. In general they had little inclination to, and a conscious detestation of lust, greed, hate and cruelty, and tyranny. "
Моногамны, но, поскольку все-таки падшие люди, бывали косяки в вопросе моногамности. Но в целом мало склонности в них было к, а было сознательное отвращение к похоти, жадности, ненависти, жестокости и тирании.
(Боже, как хорошо 26 лет назад я выбрала себе квэнское айдентити)

"For the Númenóreans kept dogs, especially in the country, partly by ancestral tradition, since they had few useful purposes any longer. The Númenóreans did not hunt for sport or food; and they had only in a few places upon the borders of wild lands any great need of watch-dogs. In the sheep-rearing regions, such as that of Emerië, they had dogs specially trained to help the shepherds. In the earlier centuries country-men also had dogs trained to assist in warding off or
tracking down predatory beasts and birds (which to the Númenóreans was only an occasional necessary labour and not an amusement). Dogs were
seldom seen in the towns. In the farms they were never chained or tethere; but neither did they dwell in the houses of men; though they were often
welcomed to the central solma or hall, where the chief fire burned: especially the old faithful dogs of long service, or at times the puppies. It was men rather than women who had a liking to keep dogs as “friends”. Women loved more the wild (or “unowned”) birds and beasts, and they were especially fond of squirrels, of which there were great numbers in the wooded country."
Нумэнорские цобакены: были! Особенно их любили мужчины, а женщины - диких животных, особенно - белок. И НИКАКИХ КОШЕК, обр. вним. Т.е. кошки Бэрутиэль - неисконная нумэнорская тррадиция, а либо локальная (из Египта она родом), либо черная.

"the short rivers and streams there were otters. Badgers were numerous. There were wild black swine in the woods;In the southern region there were beavers. About the coasts seals were abundant, especially in the north and west."
Выдры! Барсуки! И, слава Дизайнеру, дикие свиньи! Все мои нумэнорские сюжеты про кабанью охоту still hold! Бобры тоже.

"  And there were also many smaller animals, not often mentioned: such as mice and voles, or small preying beasts such as weasels. Hares are named; and other animals of uncertain kind: some that were not squirrels, but lived in trees, and were shy, not of men only; others that ran on the ground and burrowed, small and fat, but were neither rats nor rabbits. In the south there were some land-tortoises, of no great size; and also some small freshwater creatures of turtle-kind. The animals named ekelli seem to have been urchins or hedgehogs of large size, with long black quills. They were numerous in some parts, and treated with friendship, for they lived mostly upon worms and insects"
Привет всем умникам, которые рассказывали о бедной нумэнорской фауне: бобры, мыши, полевки, ласки, зайцы и всякие твари без наших аналогов. Черепахи и кто-то похожий на ежа или дикообраза.
Поняшечки были, детишек катать!

"Other beasts of the sea there were also off the shores: whales and narwhal, dolphins and porpoises, "
Хе-хе, а я уже придумала нарвала туда.
Еще лососи и угри.
Грецкие орехи (теперь придется придумать им нормальное название)

Guesses vary between 200,000 and 350,000 people.
А 5-10 тыс. - только первая часть, которая с Эльросом приплыла.

[5] After a thousand years the population seems not to have much exceeded 2 million.
Э... ну это уже не очень бьется с количеством детей в первых поколениях рода Эльроса, насколько я помню. НО зато можно нормально посчитать!

Before the Downfall the population of Númenor itself may have been as many as 15 million.
Еще есть вопросы к тому, что в пропорции к Нумэнору дядь-Саурон - таракан под плитой? Добровольная армия будет там под 500 тысяч (оооо, тысяча манильских галеонов даже в Умбарский залив не влезет, я подозреваю).

"But the Númenóreans occupying the Mouths of Anduin and the shorelands of Lebennin had discovered his devices, and revealed them to Gil-galad. But
until [S.A.] 1600"
О как у нас удлинилась история нумэнорских поселений на территории будущего Гондора: ажно до Эрэгионской. Что согласуется и с историей о раннем освоении Дол Амрота.

Новая информация о назгулах есть все-таки: "The two Nazgûl involved are distinguished here as “E” (elsewhere identified as Khamûl, UT:348) and “F’."
Назгул по имени Ф., приятно познакомиться. У меня таких в наборе нет. Ладно, имя поменять не страшно.

"but is hesitant and uncertain because of the bright sun."
Ха.Ха.Ха. Абсолютно, как у меня в "Тени Востока".

"E then makes a mistake (probably because he imagines the Ringbearer as some mighty man, strong and swift): "
Да! Ошибаются они, ошибаются! А кто воображает, будто Зло никогда не ошибается, тот не изжил у себя совковую инфантильность.

"But Minas Ithil and especially Minas Anor (Tirith) were ‘towers’ in the sense of barad, but derived their names from their high central tower, in days when the main dwelling-city of Gondor was at Osgiliath"
Не согласуется с ВК по части времени строительства башни Эктэлиона в Минас Тирите.

"Men report that the bodies of some of their Dead long maintain their coherence, and even sometimes endure in fair form as if they slept only. That this is true the Elves know by proof; but the purpose or reason is not to them clear. Men say that it is the bodies of the holy that sometimes remain long incorrupt: meaning those of whom the fëar were strong and yet were turned ever towards Eru in love and hope. This endurance of the body they believe, therefore, to be a sign from Eru for the increase of hope. For Men, even more than the Elves, abhor the sight of decay"
Абсолютно христианская концепция нетленности тел мертвых праведников. Кстати, это хорошо стыкуется с нумэнорским бальзамированием покойных: своего рода попытка имитировать.

"here was always a small minority that refused marriage, either because they were engrossed in lore or other pursuits, or because they had failed to obtain the spouse whom they desired and would seek for no other."
Не все нумэнорцы вступали в брак (гордо смотрит в зеркало).

нумэнорское, Профессор

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