Dragon*Con 2011 - Tuesday

Sep 10, 2011 14:38

Tuesday -

We met up with Alison and Dave for breakfast at the Sear restaurant, we all ended up ordering the same thing :) Then we headed back to our rooms to pack. We had found out that we were on the same Delta flight from Atlanta to LAX, so we met up again just before 12pm, relaxed at the sail bar to make use of the wi-fi, before heading to the Marta & the aiport. All our luggage was under the limit, I couldn't believe it! But I think it was mostly because we'd been cautious and stuffed more items in our carry on this time! We grabbed lunch & snacks at the airport, and met up with another Rebel Legion member, even traded a few patches :) We finally boarded our flight to LAX just after 5pm, I think I did manage to sleep a little bit on the flight.

We were flying home on different airllines, so it was finally time to say goodbye to Alison & Dave. It was so sad to farewell friends we'd had a blast with, but we are aleady planning to make it over for a visit soon :) Matt & I headed off to our departure gate, grabbed Burger King for dinner, and I used up the last of my US coins on Twizzlers for the flight. We finally left the US at 11.40pm, exhausted. We watched Pirates of the Caribbean 4, and fell asleep for nearly the entire flight! We woke up with 2 hours left, had our inflight breakfast & before we knew it, we were through customs and loading our luggage into the car.

Thoughts -

This was the best convention I've been to. The crowds were bigger, but this year we spent more time hanging out with online friends, and being involved in more groups. The RL, 501st, 300DC, Seeker, Gotham, Austin Powers & USO groups/photoshoots were fantastic, I got to meet so many new people at the tables, meetups, and photoshoots :)

I'm already hoping we can make it back again soon. Have no idea when though, as we're already booked in for Celebration VI next year. But we're determined to make it back, just not sure when. We miss ya'll so much already!

No regrets - Didn't finish a bunch of costumes I had planned to take, ended up taking more costumes than I really needed, didn't make it to any panels, missed an event I wanted to go to, only bought 2 things from the dealer halls, but it didn't matter - the whole weekend was amazing. Even though I got less sleep than in 2009, I coped with the jetlag better, and spent a lot more time with friends.

A big thank you to everyone I met or talked to, who took my photo or posed for us to take a photo - you all made this one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I wish I could have taken a photo of every costume I saw, but it's just not possible. You all looked amazing, even if I was too in awe to tell you so.

dragoncon, costumes, convention, 2011, travel, photos

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