Dragon*Con 2011 - Sunday

Sep 10, 2011 13:29

Sunday -

I think this was the night where Matt & I both woke up at 4am and stayed up checking stuff online before falling asleep again at 5.30am or so. Got up a little while later to visit the Harry Potter photoshoot at 9am. I threw on Bella for fun, as I didn't have a planned time to wear it. Got changed into regular wear, and since we had a bit of free time, thought we'd check out the other hotels. Made our way to the walk of fame - and noticed Carrie Fisher was there, with not much of a line. It was something on my 'must do' list, so we jumped in the line - and waited less than 10 minutes! She was lovely, it was fantastic to finally meet her, love that her handwriting is so easy to read :)

Stayed in regular clothes the rest of the morning, I think this was when we checked out the dealers halls? Another rehearsal around lunchtime then... stuff I don't remember exactly... I remember being a little late to the Star Wars costume contest, that was probably me stressing about getting my hair buns tidy. The contest was fun - didn't have any notion of winning anything, it was just something I wanted to say that I'd done once. So I was totally surprised when I won my category (infinities)! That was amazing, and I love the Yavin medal :)

When I got off stage, Matt told me the time - 3.20pm. The same time our photo op with Carrie Fisher started! I had planned to go back to our room and change into a Leia tshirt I had brought. So I ran in my buns and platform boots from the Hyatt to the Marriott, and was 2nd to last in line, phew we had made it! When it was our turn, I quickly appologised to Carrie for my costume, to which she said I was amazing, and hope I did well - I told her I had won my category. She congratulated me, said I looked amazing again. So, in the end, I actually got to spend more time with Carrie because of what I was wearing. They took 2 photos of us together as well - the first one she grabbed me round my waist (the one that was eventually printed), the second one she grabbed my hand. By the end, my cheeks were so sore from smiling ear to ear. There's next to zero chance she'll ever come to a convention in NZ, so this was a dream come true. Photo & autograph with Carrie, I'm still buzzing about it!

But my running in heels wasn't done. Straight after our Carrie photo, was the one with Christopher Lloyd. I couldn't get a pic with him as Leia, so it was a mad dash to the lifts and back to the room to change into a tshirt (just about ripped my hairbuns off), and back down to line up - again, second to last in the line, but at least we made it! Got our pic with Christopher, then it was back to the room to get ready for the masquerade. Had a few cupcakes for dinner (yay for my stomach feeling better enough for food), then off to our final rehearsal on the 10th level.

The masquerade took the rest of the day, but I'm so glad I decided to join the group and do it. One of the those "do it once for the experience" type things. I'd never enter on my own, so this was a good opportunity to do it with friends. Lots of waiting around, getting super nervous about our dance routine - but our time came, and we were fantastic! The crowd cheered so loud, it was amazing. We all did so well, I had so much fun - loved our group celebration when we came off stage :) Did the photo gauntlet, then went up to the suite with everyone to watch the replay on tv. Unfortunately the missed sleep & food really hit me, and I had to leave early to get some sleep. A little frustrated I missed out on so much stuff that night, but I really couldn't force my body to stay awake any longer. Phew, what a day! I know that Austin Powers music will be in my head for a while yet, I was still doing the dance in the shower the next day!

dragoncon, costumes, convention, photos

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