The swings in the park, Saturday Morning

Jun 15, 2013 09:19

The revolution had been somewhat of an inside joke. After all, the Queen was the one who had spearheaded the movement, though only a very few knew that. What was public knowledge was that the former ruler had stepped down without much of an argument, only a long discussion as to what was to happen when she had done so.

Many said that was why she was remembered with a statue, rather than a blood stain on a wall. Others said that was silly because even those leading the Rebellion had always said she was a decent enough leader. In any case, Leda had said that she was being set free as much as the people were. And so far, things in Faerie were going well.

At the Border School it was a similar, though different story.

More than a decade ago it had been discovered that the Border between Faerie and Earth in fact intersected with many other worlds. Bordertown had become even more strange, and at the same time, more "cosmopolitan". Leda had retired there after abdicating and eventually squatted a particularly odd building on the outskirts of the city. It had been a tourist attraction before the return, and now it housed a number of young refugees.

Leda wished she'd been able to come up with a better name than the Border School. But the kids seemed to like it.

And though she found life as the "Headmistress" of a school much like Fandom incredibly wonderful, it was nice to get a break every now and then.

[Come join Adult Leda on the swings! Reminisce about past times or hear strange tales of the "present"!]

fandom, momoko

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