Jun 03, 2013 22:06
"The thing is, magic, most magic anyway, is no more special to us than your fantastic technology is to you. You do realize that less than a century ago the Internet was bloody science fiction don't you? We Elves haven't even decided if outer space exists, and you've walked on the goddamn moon!"
"I've heard many human Bordertown residents say that one of the sort of 'go west young man' slogans for emmigrating to the Borderlands is 'where magic sometimes works'. Would it surprise you to learn that many Fae go there for the exact opposite reason? Magic to us is so commonplace and humdrum that we'll go seek out a place where it doesn't always work, and where there's new kinds of magic to learn."
"No you've got it wrong there. Or a bit muddled at least. To the best of my knowledge no Elf has ever lived in a tree. I think you might be thinking of Dryads or Nymphs. And if you've ever met an Elf, you know that we do not have wings nor are we only a few inches tall. Those are Piskies, or Pixies. There's lot's of species of Fae, you've just kind of stereotyped us all together."
"Racism, I've discovered, is a kind of insanity. Let me give you an example. One of the reasons many Elf Supremacists give as to why they are superior to Humans, is that Elves live for so much longer than humans on average. The average life expectancy for a Human is what, 80? 90? Or perhas 60. Well the average life expectancy of an Elf is roughly 700 years. But that's another discussion. Anyway, these Elves, well they don't just think that they're better than Humans, they think they're better than every other sentient species of Fae as well. Including Dragons. And Dragons measure their life spans in fucking millenia! I'm not sure a Dragon has ever died of old age! And these people see no contradiction in their beliefs at all! Now isn't that being out of touch with reality enough to qualify for psychiatric care?"