AAR: Buckets of Dice 2005, Day Two

Aug 28, 2005 08:26

Sessions One and Two; Grand Strat, Third World War

Session One saw 3 games (by Chris, Jonathan and Nick (and me), and boardgames. Some minor issues with the timetabling were sorted out late in the round and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. Nick and I ran Nick's Cuban Missile Crisis game, which, aside from technical issues (networking and forgetting stuff; thanks Tim!) and a significant, but non-crucial mistake on my part was enjoyed by all by all reports. The Crisis was not averted and the world plunged into nuclear war.

In Session Two, Alistair, Tim and Cody ran games. Along with most of the Dunedin contingent I played in Cody's "Deep Trouble" in which sharks attempt to solve a murder mystery and ensure tourism continued on our island. We quickly solved the mission... by eating everything. There was much mud slinging ("Krill eater!", "You're mother was a dolphin!", "You have a small cretalin!" - at least I think that was the word! I'm not a shark biologist.)

The Grand Strat, Third World War, run by Jonathan and his team, seemed to go smoothly (from my perspective, anyway) with only a few comments afterwards about certain aspects of the combat system. All minor, and no doubt easily fixed. By making early alliances with everyone and focusing on economic expansion, the Middle Eastern Conservative Coalition of Allah (MECCA, a renamed India) emerged victorious, launching a massive 21 Nukes in the endgame more as a display of power than for any real effect. China went hard at Japan initially and by swallowing most of their empire, including a last turn seizure of New Zealand, secured second place. The economic powerhouse of the EU was picked on in the last turn, but without any significant effect on the final score, and came third. The US, having just lost the eastern seaboard and midwest to the Europeans, and Japan, having lost nearly all of their empire to the Chinese, including half of Japan from the first turn, filled out the bottom of the table.

bod, conventions

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