I posted yesterday that I'd started making a
Fiasco playset. What's a playset? Here's the glossary entry from the game:
Playset: The heart of a good fiasco - a combination of setting, situation, sub-genre, and kick in the pants. A Playset consists of four lists - Relationships, Needs, Objects, and Locations. The last three are collectively known as Details, and they are attached to particular Relationships.
At the start of the game, each character is assigned a Relationship with the two players next to that player at the table. Each Relationship then has one Detail associated with it, either a Need, and Object or a Location. Relationships and Details are picked (with a random element) from the set of lists that comprises the Playset.
My playset is a conversion of Gygax's infamous AD&D module S1 The Tomb of Horrors. I stuck pretty closely to the source material for the Locations and Objects, while the Needs and Relationships are based on typical character conflicts from D&D games. Some examples:
- Relationship: Adventurers: Elf and Dwarf, both steeped in bigotry
- Relationship: Spirit: Good and Evil
- Need: To get out of this party, with what you stole
- Need: To get rich through any means necessary
- Location: No Escape! Teleported into doorless room!
- Location: Arcane: The crypt of the Lich, devilishly trapped and apparently empty
- Object: Monster: A Green Slime, disguised as a tapestry
- Object: Cryptic message on the wall offering a hopeless choice
Mining the module and my D&D playing memories for over 150 of these was a fun process. I'll try to run this at OrcCon, but I haven't decided whether it will be on- or off- schedule. I'll post a link to it before then as well.
I followed the completion of that project by making
Amanda Palmer Performs The Popular Hits Of Radiohead On Her Magical Ukulele my first musical purchase of 2011. It's a great little EP, with her cover of 'Idioteque' the highlight.
Click to view
Being on both sides of the creative process in immediate succession was very satisfying.