If you play D&D 4e, this podcast is a must listen:
The Skillcast. Here's gamefiend's introduction:
I decided to start a podcast! Why another 4e podcast? Well, this podcast is strictly about one element of 4e - the skill challenge. There is a lot that’s said about them, but there aren’t really a lot of examples of skill challenges in play. I think many people need that, because there’s still that sense people seem to have that they’re “doing them wrong”. I’m not saying that I’m doing it “right”, but I know that my players and myself have fun with this game element. Maybe if you see what me and other players are doing, it will give you ideas or just inspire you to say “hey, I do it better than that!”
Skill challenges are the most exciting new development in D&D in years and gamefiend's blog posts on the subject have been the best I've seen anywhere.
As far as podcast quality goes, the first episode of The Skillcast is very good!