Things i have learnt from burning my face
1. I shall never again complain about the attention i recieve for being young and attractive. It is far, far worse to feel that you do not even look normal. I am ashamed that i ever entertained such stupid thoughts.
2. No matter how tempted you are to stare at a facially disfigured person you pass on the street, resist. To experaince, en masse, people reacting with disgust, or fear, or just thinly veiled grotesque fascination as to your appearance, when it's hard enough to leave your house as it is, is horrible. It's dehumanising. I myself am always curious as to other peoples appearance, but my god am i going to try harder in future to control this impulse.
3. I am upset with having first and second degree burns on my face, but they will heal, and this time next year it is unlikely i will be still be seriously marked by them. They mental and physical pain i have experianced is hard enough, but i can only start to imagine life with permanant scars and disfigurment. People have called me brave. This is nothing. People such as Jacquline Saburido, who was beautiful,
and after recieving 2nd and 3rd degree bruns across 60% of her body, after being hit by a drunk driver, now looks like this
humble me beyond belief. My eyesight has not been affected. I can still talk. I am lucky.