These Are the Facts

Jan 10, 2009 12:17

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

These are the facts.

I have never, nor will I ever be convinced to, support the ATU Local 279.

I do not, nor will I ever be convinced to, support the City of Ottawa's position on the OC Transpo strike.

The fact is, in MY opinion, that both sides have failed to behave in a manner conducive to a swift resolution to this problem. The fact is there are very few, if any, other industries in the world where employees are permitted to select their schedule. The fact is, these people drive a bus for a living, and some of the senior drivers are making upwards of more than 100k a year. These same individuals are making more money than the people they are meant to drive to the Kanata high-tech strip. These same individuals make as much, if not more than, some doctors, lawyers, EDUCATORS, et cetera. The fact is, the head of ATU Local 279 has said that there is "nothing wrong with inconveniencing people". Well now, this has become more than an inconvenience: this has become a public nuissance, and it's time it was put to an end.

I do not support the City's position either, mind. Council has continued to show a lack of leadership in dealing with this situation, and those currently in "power" will in no way be permitted to be re-elected as a direct result of their inability to come up with feasible solutions to what is nothing short of a city-wide emergency. According to their latest memo, they are allowing the public to receive a PARTIAL reimbursement for their useless December bus passes.

Partial? Really? We deserve the whole christing bloody thing back! We deserve metered parking fees to be waived during the duration of this ridiculous strike that both sides are responsible for in its entirety!

We deserve the respect the drivers are asking for, because it is us, the paying public, who OC Transpo is meant to SERVE, and we, the public, will not tolerate this infantile behaviour to continue any longer.

I am angry, and I will not support either side. I will not "respect" either side until they give me a bloody good reason to do so.

Impeach the Mayor and Council, fire everyone who opted to continue the strike, and start over.

Fuck the lot of 'em.

The fact is, I am by nature a selfish individual, and I put myself before anybody else. I am the centre of my own Universe, and I will not support anything or anyone that adversely affects that Universe for any reason soever. I don't give a shit about the demands of the union, nor do I give a shit for Council's excuses. I care about how this strike has affected me and me alone, and I am pissed off beyond all words. "The word of Sin is Restriction", and all parties involved have restricted my movement in my own world.

"Man has the right [...] to move as he will on the face of the earth."

For the time being, (and I have made a vow to myself to change this in the near future, because doing otherwise would be a failure to my Self) I rely on the busses to travel, and if I were to stretch this to the absolute limit of Reason, I could claim that the union and the City are acting in direct opposition to the edicts of my "religion". This claim, though, would only be made in order to demonstrate the pure absurdity of this current situation on all sides.

End it now, and be done with it!

Love is the law, love under will

Pissed off,
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