Livejournal Masterlist
For anyone who no longer remembers what I've done, who is briefly glancing by, who was crazy interested enough to friend me or who just wants to point and laugh, I've compiled a Master List of my stuffses on the internet. If I've missed something, please let me know :) Please to be respecting of the ratings! And er… if you've friended me and I haven't responded, could you please remind me? I manage not to 'notice' things that are stapled to my forehead and have the attention span of a rabid chipmunk.
On Livejournal
Crossover Challenge Fic (All One-Shots)
Intro Note: Once upon a time, in the interests of proving that not all crossovers were worthless, I invited my LJ-list to give me any two fandoms and I would write a crossover as stated
here. Conclusion? I hate you all verra verra much.
For Services Rendered [Inuyasha X Witch Hunter Robin]: Sometimes one pays most for the things one gets for nothing. -Albert Einstein (PG-13. Nagira, Mama Higurashi)
(The Devil's) In the Details [Smallville X Phantom of the Opera]: Young Lionel Luthor learns something important. Just maybe not what he expected to learn. (PG/PG-13. Lionel Luthor, the Phantom. Spoilers for all of Leroux)
The Cat's Paw [Inuyasha X Abhorsen Trilogy]: "You must pay the price if you wish to secure the blessing."- Andrew Jackson (PG/PG-13. Mogget, Kagome)
Underground [Inuyasha X Labyrinth]: Lost and lonely/That's underground. (PG/PG-13. Kagome/Jareth, Souta)
What's a Nice Girl Like You… [Inuyasha X Golden Sun]: Saturos knew he should have become a shopkeeper. (PG-13. Saturos, Kikyou, Jaken, Kefka)
Doctor Who (New Series. Mainly.)
Among Wolves: There’s always a price. Rose learns just how big Grandmother’s teeth really are. Incomplete. (PG-13/R. Rose Tyler and a variety of often unexpected characters. Post-Doomsday fic) Also
hereAuthor's Notes: This has been my version of the thousands of attempts to look at some of the consequences of Parting of the Ways that the series never really got around to. Except that mine has more Dalek funtime. And eventually a completely gratuitous use of Leela.
Learning to Dance: Five and a half hours. Eighteen seconds. And a lifetime lived in 4/4 time. One Shot. (PG-13. Rose Tyler, Ninth Doctor, Tenth Doctor, Mickey Smith, Madame de Pompadour. Spoilers to 'Girl in the Fireplace'). Also
hereAuthor's Notes: There were five and a half hours that Rose Tyler and Mickey Smith waited on the 'Mme. de Pompadour'. This is my version of what happened for five seconds of those five and a half hours.
Fruits Basket
Andante: Sometimes you no longer know when to stop walking. One Shot. (G. Mayu, Hatori)
Harry Potter
Auld Lang Syne: Harry needs anger management. Hermione needs to get laid. Remus needs a drink. Two out of three ain't bad. Futurefic One Shot.(R. Remus/Hermione, Harry. Strangely enough, written well before HBP. I'm just psychic.)
House M.D.
Since I am a fan of very, very gen!House, am not sure how I wound up writing pairing fanfic. And all a single pairing too. -Blinks-
Coffee Spoons Continuum: This was, in all respects, a bad idea. Cameron/Wilson. Complete (M for language and adult situations)
Five Sounds Allison Cameron Never Made: Allison Cameron lets go. Cameron-centric with number of implied pairings. One Shot. (PG-13. Spoilers up to and including 'Spin'.)
never traveled gladly: "I was tired of taking the safe path." Cameron-centric. Dark and Incomplete. (M)
Overheard: "You're a hotter date than Chase." Cameron/Wilson. One Shot. (PG-13)
Replacement Therapy: You will remember this moment when they ask you the definition of addiction. Cameron/Wilson. Sort of. Implied others. Dark One Shot. (M to MA for language, adult situations, implications of slash and adultery.)
Beyond Understanding- A Love? Story: The most dangerous secrets are those that we hide from ourselves. Romance. Sort of. One Shot. IY Fic Challenge Entry. Challenge - Secret. Inuyasha/Kikyou. (PG-13/T)
Clay: "When she stands in the water she wonders why her feet don't melt away." General/Introspective. Kikyou-fic. One Shot. IY Fic Contest Entry. Challenge - Kikyou. (PG/K+)
Collateral Damage: A selfless wish would make the jewel disappear forever. So just how selfish a wish did it take to create it in the first place? Midoriko has a lot of ‘splainin’ to do. Surreal. And probably horror. Midoriko-fic. One Shot. IY Fic Challenge Entry. Challenge - Wish. (T/PG-13 for dead children, dismembered body parts, kind of disturbing sexual tension and general tastelessness)
Fools Paradise: "A limbo large and broad, since call'd The Paradise of Fools to few unknown." -John Milton, 'Paradise Lost'. Drama. Time-Line Split/Alternate Reality. One Shot. IY Fic Contest Entry. Challenge - Alternate Reality. Kagome/Sesshoumaru. (PG/K+)
Heavenly Creatures: The tennyo knows that the price of heaven is abstraction, distance from those below. Angst. Introspection. Kaguya/Tennyo Femmeslash. One Shot. IY Fic Contest Entry. Challenge - Anime/Movie Only Character. (PG-13/T)
Hindsight: It is easier than she would have predicted. Kagome-fic. Dark One Shot. IY Fic Contest Entry. Challenge - Prediction. (PG-13/T)
His Story/History: "It's not right and he knows it's not right, but he can't stop reading it, even when the page becomes dog-eared and starts losing its corners." Souta-Fic. One Shot. IY Fic Challenge Entry. Challenge - Happy Ending. (PG/K+)
Kismet: Fate has nasty ways of making you do what it wants. Alternate Reality (Canon Universe). Angst. Horror. Kagome-fic. One Shot. IY Fic Challenge Entry. Challenge - Fate/Destiny. (PG-13/T)
Midori: It was a good summer. Sesshoumaru-fic. One Shot. IY Fic Challenge Entry. Challenge - Green, Gold or White. (PG/K+)
Monkshood: Shriveled monkshood poisoning is a very serious terminal illness. Dialogue. Oh and- Nope. Just dialogue. Miroku. Sango. Slash/Femmeslash implied. One Shot. IY Fic Contest Entry. Challenge - Calling His Bluff. (T/PG-13)
More Last than Star: Mama. Grandpa. Love is the thing that's left when like's too hard and hate's too easy. Higurashi-fic. One Shot. (PG/K+)
Mushin, Karma and the Dangers of Women: Inu/Kag fluff written as a birthday gift for Midi-chan. I wrote a fic that continued an idea that she had started and left unfinished, found
here. PG/K+
Out-Foxed: Shippou gets the talk. Although maybe not the talk that he was expecting. General/Drama. Shippou-fic. One Shot. IY Fic Contest Entry. Challenge - Shippou. (PG-13/T)
Parallels: Three dog demons. Three women. Who, in the end, is more vulnerable? General. One Shot. IY Fic Challenge Entry. Challenge - "Protection". (PG/K+)
Pygmalion: Paper covers rock. Angst. Introspective. Mild horror, depending on how you take the suggestions. Naraku/Kanna. One Shot. IY Fic Challenge Entry. Challenge - Friendship. (PG/K+)
The Right Incentive: How did Jaken really end up serving the inu-youkai? General/Is 'Squicky' a genre? Jaken-fic. One Shot. IY Fic Contest Entry. Challenge - "Minion". (PG-13/T)
Ripples: It's nice to be able to narrow it down to the exact moment that everything went horribly, irrevocably wrong. Angst. And possibly "Stupid Conversations". One Shot. IY Fic Challenge Entry. Challenge - Higurashi Kagome. Inuyasha/Kagome. (PG-13/T)
Siren Song: The Four Souls know what they want. Dark One Shot. Shikon-fic. IY Fic Contest Entry. Challenge - Minor Character. (PG-13/T)
Soul Mates: "Hatred is not the only dark emotion." Drama/Romance. One Shot. IY Fic Contest Entry. Challenge - Non-Canon Pairings. Femmeslash. Sort of. Midoriko/Kikyou. (PG-13/K)
Ten Things Never Said: For a man of words, the true story is in the things unsaid. Angst/Drama. One Shot. IY Fic Contest Entry. Challenge - Unrequited Love. Miroku/Sango. (PG-13/T)
Touch Me Not: "In class we had these plants- touch me nots. If you even brush them, the leaves- they curl up in on themselves. Don’t leave anything to reach." One Shot. IY Fic Contest Entry. Challenge - "Breathing" by Lifehouse in text. Kagome/Miroku. (PG-13/T)
True to You, in My Fashion: She knows what she sees. One Shot. IY Fic Contest Entry. Challenge - Faithful/Unfaithful. Miroku/Surprise Crack!Pairing (M)
Frost: I think I know enough of hate/To say that for destruction ice/Is also great/And would suffice. -Robert Frost, "Fire and Ice" Kakashi/Sakura. Implied slash and femme-slash. Very Dark One Shot. (M) Friends-Locked
Peter Pan
I Have Heard the Mermaids Singing: Nibs. Slightly. Some things are better left forgotten. One Shot. (PG. Nibs, Slightly, Mermaids. Book-based.)
Spirited Away
As the Dawn Arises: "As memory may be a paradise from which we cannot be driven, it may also be a hell from which we cannot escape." -John Lancaster Spalding. Drama/Horror/Psychological. One Shot. 30 Kisses Theme #11 - Gardenia. Chihiro/Haku. (PG/K+)
Patience: “If you are not too long, I will wait here for you all my life.” - Oscar Wilde. Drama/Psychological. One Shot. 30 Kisses Theme #1 - "Look over here!" Chihiro/Haku. (PG/K+)
Tides: “ The little waves, with their soft, white hands, Efface the footprints in the sands, And the tide rises, the tide falls.” - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, “The Tide Rises, the Tide Falls”. Angst/Psychological. One Shot. 30 Kisses Theme #29 - The Sound of Waves. Chihiro/Haku. (PG/K+)
Witch Hunter Robin
Confiteor (I Confess): What purpose to seek God’s forgiveness when you cannot forgive yourself? (PG. Father Juliano. Spoilers for entire series.) Friends-Locked
On FFNet
All of my FFNet work can be found
here. This includes:
Fruits Basket
"The Butterfly Effect": Vengeful gods. Sarcastic, evil butterflies. Two men in her bed. Somehow this wasn't quite what Tohru had pictured for her life after highschool. Yuki/Tohru, Kyou/Tohru. Incomplete.
Harry Potter
"Coffee Spoons": Some wars are fought in restaurants with a cup of black coffee. Remus/Hermione One Shot. (T)
"Counting to Twenty": Despite what the Gryffindors may have thought, Draco can count. One-Sided Draco/Hermione, implied Remus/Hermione. One Shot. (M)
"Human Voices": It is not that war creates monsters, it is that war brings out the monsters that are already hidden inside." Hallucinations. Inner voices. Lots of black coffee. Some wars need a different kind of weapon. Remus/Hermione. Complete. (M)
"Simple Math": Albus Dumbledore. A hallucinated Hermione Granger. No holds barred. One Shot. (T)
"A Choice of Roads": A journey of a thousand miles may start with a single step- but what happens if someone walks into you? Battousai the assassin gets transported to feudal Japan. The rest of his year isn't looking very good either. Rurouni Kenshin X Inuyasha. Kagome/Kenshin. Complete. (M)
"Air": Breathing is over-rated. Houjou/Kagome. One Shot. (T)
"Anne of Feudal Japan": She's tough. She's buff. Just don't call her "Carrots". This is probably the very first "Anne of Green Gables" X Inuyasha crossover. I'm so going to hell. Complete. (T)
"For Services Rendered": Sometimes one pays most for the things one gets for nothing. Nagira/Mama Higurashi. Witch Hunter Robin X Inuyasha. One Shot. (T)
"Hindsight": It is easier than she would have predicted. Kagome-fic. Dark One Shot. (T)
"His Story History": It’s not right and he knows it’s not right, but he can’t stop reading it, even when the page becomes dog-eared and starts losing its corners." Souta-fic. One Shot. (K+)
"Idée Fixe": He'd never wanted to live forever anyways. Kouga/Kagome. One Shot. (M)
"Midori": It was a good summer. Sesshoumaru-fic. One Shot. (K+)
"Mobius": Kagome's got a horny kitsune, an invisible 'friend' and a kamikaze quest with a five hundred year deadline. Oh yeah, and she's disguised as a boy. But when did that ever get in the way of "twue wuv? Let's just not answer that... Rurouni Kenshin X Inuyasha. Kagome-fic. Incomplete. (M)
"Siren Song": The Four Souls know what they want. Shikon-fic. Dark One Shot. (T)
"Symbolism": In the end, what is the best path- holding on or letting go? Kagome-fic. 100 word drabble. (K+)
"Touch Me Not": Miroku. Kagome. “In class we had these plants touch me nots. If you even brush them, the leaves they curl up in on themselves. Don’t leave anything to reach.” Miroku/Kagome. One Shot. (T)
My Unfinished Geocities Collection of Lots of Stuffses (With Pictures!) Thanks to Morganna the Magnificent:
Subliminal Messages of a Pervy Butterfly Minion Rants
Common Sense is Dead. And Working in Vegas.: Why is the idiot plot so popular?
“It Came from the Grocery!” or “Five Common Confusions About Biology, Breeding and the Food You Eat”: Prompted by a woman overheard saying at a health food store, “Oh I wouldn’t eat those apples- they contain genes!” Friends-Locked
It is a Truth Universally Acknowledged that a Single Bunny in Possession of a Good Plot...: For those of you who are curious, this is my basic set-up for the original skeleton outline for an Alternate Reality. This is an incomplete events/consequences outline for a Pride and Prejudice alt that’s been eating my brain…
Just Me and My Unicorn Animagus- Original Characters in Fanfiction: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly- An Original Character Western. Very, very old essay. Amusing for how much writing and style has since changed.
Still Nauseous- A Very Brief and Specific Lemon Rant: While the rant itself is a reactionary post and not well put-together, I think the comments make it worth including. Friends-Locked
The Brief Rant of Summation and World Harmony. And Bunnies.: This is written very affectionately by a very sick Naphy to gently run through my summation of my favourite FFRants fandom rants, in the hopes of saving everyone a whole lot of trouble. No bunnies were harmed while writing this, although there is a good chance your head might go 'splodey if you read it.
The Things I'd Rather Do Than Work: An early attempt to make sense of fanfic preferences and reviewers, by the use of numerical psycho-analysis. Really should repeat this at some point :) Friends-Locked
“What if everybody was completely totally different in a completely totally different world?”: Let’s be honest folks. There’s a big difference between a timeline spinoff and a Harlequin with ‘Inuyasha’ and ‘Kagome’ replacing ‘John’ and ‘Kate’.
An Alternate Reality in Which I am Alive and Have Internet Access: A list of recs of my favourite Alternate Realities (AKA "time-branch" canon stories) in a variety of fandoms.
Pssst... Wanna Try My Fandom?: Today I will be attempting to highlight some of my favorite small/obscure/overlooked fandoms by showcasing my favorite fanfiction from them. The stories I've chosen will generally be ones where you don't need to know the fandom to enjoy them and hey- if it encourages someone to learn more and churn out more stories that's a pleasant bonus. And if you want a more detailed description of any of the fandoms I'd be happy to oblige :)
Miscellaneous Squick (AKA Naphy Really Will Write Anything)
Redundancy [Lord of the Rings X Harry Potter X Star Wars the Phantom Menace]: There are some things too terrible for even the Highest Power to deal with. (R. Gollum/Dobby/Jar-Jar threesome. This is not suitable for anyone. At all. Don’t even think of reading it.) Friends-Locked
Shagging Like Bunnies (Because Really, There is No Deeper Symbolism in This Story To Create A Title From) [Inuyasha X Rurouni Kenshin X Yu Yu Hakusho]: An affectionate parody of “A Choice of Roads” featuring Necrophiliac!Kagome. Not for the squeamish. Definitely at least R for general inappropriateness. (R. Kagome/dead!Kenshin/Kurama. Very, very squicky. Not suitable for any audiences.) Friends-Locked