Nov 08, 2006 09:03
Michigan re-elected Gov. Granholm. I can die happy in the knowledge that my beloved state has not let me down... yet. Unfortunately they also elected a whole bunch of republicans to the House. Sigh. Perhaps, most disappointing, this happened in my district. But I didn't really expect any less. My only consolation is telling myself that most people there are moderate republicans not conservative ones. But maybe that's just wishful thinking. But, all in all, not a bad election. Stabenow got re-elected too. But that was really never a big concern, cause she rocks.
Classes are going alright, some ups and downs but for the most part I'm muddling through. I have a full schedule, what with school, work, rehearsal, D&D, WARL, and of course, paying attention to the boy.
I have registered for classes for next semester, and they include two senior seminars/capstones, Gen Bio II, Costumes, an independent study in German translation, and possibly a history course (taken as an audit or pass/fail) on Rome. Very work intensive, but hopefully an interesting last semester.
Thanks it for now.