I have McCaskey sensei four times a week.

Feb 15, 2007 23:21

I haven't seen him once.

If I murdered someone, Meredith is the person I would call to help me drag the body across the living room floor.
This is a perfect line. And not just because Christina is my favourite.
I love her messed up priorities. because if it were a perfect world, everyone else would realize that they aren't messed up.

Who knew cookies could do so much?

Dinner was good. Highly improvised, but good. potatoes, green beans, pepperoni, and onions over noodles.
for me, pasta=pasta. I know they have names, but I don't know what they are. Like maneuvering in any foreign language, sign language often suffices.
But I think i ate it too fast. Now my tummy feels funny.

Japanese presentation tomorrow.
This week was a 上智 week. We should get every wednesday off. 元気をあげるから。People were almost perky today.

food, tv, 曖昧っていいよねぇ, bakanakoto, school

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