Snow Day 。o@( )@o。

Feb 15, 2007 00:53

Well, more accurately, freezing rain day. But i'm not going to get picky if I get out of work/school. Mostly I'd say work, except I had a Japanese presentation today that I was really really not ready for. I started working on it so early too. *sigh*

daily dose of random: George Washington's Chinese American Student Assocation (CASA) is looking for a replacement lion dancer for their performance on Saturday evening. One of their dancers hurt his back and they need someone to fill in for him!
So, if you know any lion-dancers in the DC area...

Made cookies, and then okonomiyaki. chotto shippai shita kedo, I think I got it worked out now. The second was better than the first.
Food project for the weekend: potatoes au gratin. or however you spell that. should have watched stillesprite make her rue

It's valentine's day. happy valentine's day.

Did laundry, and then syntax all day.
And slept late. Woke up apprehensive (still praying for the cancellation) to find a note on the compy confirming the lack of school. There was much rejoicing.
I practiced some. I got the hip roll down, I think. ^_^ *excited!*

I bet I'll have to do both presentations on Friday now. *pout*
this song makes me happy. It still makes me want to dance. I can close my eyes and see my room in Japan. okaa-san wrote back. I'm contemplating replying. Her letters are so formal; keigo benkyou.

Sometimes when I read Japanese, my brain goes *panic!* before i even start; then when I try, it ends up being really easy to understand. Other times, my brain goes *できるゼ!* And then I invariably can't.
*hopes there was no morphology homework* *goes to sleep*

food, japanese, kaa-san-tachi, lx or bastardizations thereof, japan, weather, homework, sleep, america 2, school

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