Just a little ridiculous

Feb 01, 2007 22:58

I mean, really. Toxic blood? but parts made it still worth watching.

stillesprite made banana cup-cake thingies. They're pretty good.

Realized that it's chanto february and almost had a panic attack. I'm going to be in NY in less than a month. Um. fuck.

The funniest story my language partner told me today. We have a mutual acquaintance. Big, big white guy (in the tall and muscle-y sense, not rolling hills of lardstomach) who's married to a Japanese lady from Osaka. Sometime recently, they were in Japan visiting her family. He had to go pick up his nephew from preschool. The entire school full of children burst out with things like "うわあああ~化け物や!" and "中国人やな!" and then, when he's like "Shut up!" and "you probably don't even know what Chinese people look like" in appropriate Kansai-ben, they're like "うわああ!話した!化け物が!”
translations: [aaah! it's a monster!] [It's Chinese!] and finally [Ahh! It talked! The monster talked!]

Fried rice; i worry about anything I cook with pork involved, but. It properly tastes like fried rice now. I put in carrots and cucumber.

Morphology isn't boring so much as it's just that I never can figure out where she's going with her examples. Like, we spent 15 minutes on a problem at the end of class today. Which is great and fun and interesting. Except I don't know why she brought it up. Yeah, it's morphology, there are morphemes involved and everything, but this is a class. It's not like *nikki buys book of lx problems to solve for fun* it's a class where she's supposed to be teaching us stuff.

I think the hair promised us trees.

Now I'm going to go finish my laundry and have pants. Oo! pants!

food, tv, class, eigo, japanese, lx or bastardizations thereof, eikaiwa, homework, america 2, school

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