Jan 29, 2007 22:47

forensics おめでとう~
ヤッタネ!(b^ー°) オメデト♪ (there are so many, how can I choose??)
(^ ○ ^)お!(^ □ ^)め!(^ ◇ ^)で!(^ ▽ ^)と!(^ ・ ^)う! (ok, last one I swear!)

We shamed the weather into actually snowing downwards. before it was going all あっちこっち
Oh, the power of shame! Our mothers have taught us well.
And the thought of mocking the snow into the right direction kept us amused for at least a block.

OKONOMIYAKI! oishikatta~
Which leads me to believe that when it's my turn to pass along information, all I'll be able to say is "until it looks right" or something of the sort.

class, work. the hair wasn't as interesting as he usually is. though he was excited by something or other this morning; Krisztina will have to help me remember.
Also, Lewis Carroll and chortle. Random tidbit of the day: chortle first appeared in the English language in Carroll's Jabberwocky; it was adopted into other literary works as soon as the 1880's, around ten years after it was first published. And today we have whole generations of young whippersnappers (myself included) who thought the word had always been a part of the English language and not invented for a non-sense poem some 100 odd years ago.

What the hell is going on with German plurals? Have until Tuesday to decide.

カレーtonight. I'm semi-tempted to try to make cheap imitation カレーパン by sticking curry in bread and putting it in Aliza's sandwich maker thingy; but I don't think even I'm really that stupid.

Spend an hour or so looking for pictures of a blue dress from House of Flying Daggers. やっと出来たけど。It just took me a while. Does anyone know if the soundtrack has any songs of, say a minute and 30 seconds to 2 minutes on it?

I wonder where I put that letter to my host mom...I'm like, halfway through writing it out; and, most importantly, it had the envelope already addressed to her with it. I'm such a bad host-child.

food, class, eigo, japanese, kaa-san-tachi, annie, baito, mi familia, weather, homework, america 2, school

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