so yesterday

Jan 12, 2007 10:59

started with syntax at 10. It's nice to see the professor is as crazy as I remember him being. Never had him (he's new), but he stole my fries when I met him at happy hour waaaay back at the beginning of the year.


morphology at 1; i'm still trying to decide how i think it's going to be.
It's nice to take these theoretical classes again. I like the subject matter (in ways that don't drive me crazy)--it's like a giant, numberless, more complex sudoku. And, since they're required for majors, I get to see all my lx friends again

Anime film class--we watched 2.[5?] episodes of ghost in the shell which I've never seen. McCaskey sensei, as ever, is really really really old love. I'm trying to figure out what we're supposed to actually do with the anime we'll see, but.
It's a big class--some familiar faces, but none that I'd have expected to see given where I know them from (haha, i guess I'm the only major who hasn't yet had her 'culture course instructed in English'). Critter, among others, graced us with his illustrious presence.

came home, collapsed for a while, then went to dinner at Teaism with nihongofrancais and winterspel. Good food, good times, and we left when we noticed they looked like they wanted to close.

Home again to watch the first episode of hanadan2; wakikaki wasn't over, but we valiantly attempted to keep the apartmental-squee-level up to her high standards. Given the subject matter, we didn't have too much trouble with that.

Then to bed and strange dreams involving my grandparents, a liberty-sized bell, and fish swimming in front of the sun.
....maybe you really shouldn't eat strange things before bed.

food, tv, class, america, the pretty, dream, sleep, school

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