now that classes ended

Dec 10, 2006 19:47

i use Japanese more than I did when I was going to class 5 times a week.
(stillesprite's been having friends over and she'll occassionally invite me out. 「難しい話だけど、」It was. All about authors I'd never heard of and the works they'd written.)
which, I blame for my recent dreams all being in Japanese.

today was relatively windless --> good.

I wonder if sleeptalking in a second or foreign language follows or ignores syntax/morphology, and how it compares to sleeptalking in a native language.

I've been through three books, started my forth and decided that I could take a break (and write my Japanese speech).

Clara, Aliza's sophomore year French exchange-student roommate is randomly in town and came to visit us for the traditional brunch. Then there was hanging about in our living room (with me persistantly going through The Handbook of Language Variation and Change) before Aliza and Clara went out to see the new Bond flick.

Last night went out for a couple hours to the SFS frat Christmas gala. We'd never been to a frat party and thought it was something that, as iconic of the college experience, we should do at least once.
It was your typical party (though, it's a really nice house at base. It's a little run-down now what with all the generations of college boys living in it, but once you can tell, it was simply gorgeous), but with a bigger venue (OMG, something like 3 floors? 4?), fancier dress (it's SFS related [=pretentious] and a 'Gala' afterall), waaaaay too much cigar smoke (dude, i'd prefer people around me to be shooting up heroin to smoking cigars. I won't walk away from the area smelling like heroin, afterall), and, as we had connections, some very high quality alcohol.
Aliza and I make very good 'old aunties.' We don't even have to practice for the future; we are there now.

And when I came back, the 'japanese' kids were still here. So i hung out some more, and then went to bed late.
Tomorrow, though, i have work, so it's back to the 'normal' schedule.

Think of something brilliant.

food, class, america, japanese, baito, weather, dream, homework, sleep, school

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