Just another tuesday afterall

Sep 12, 2006 18:34

Cause I don't think i'll be off to Republic Gardens afterall. yappari it's just too muri on a tuesday night.

second day of work. three hours in the godforsakenhours of the morning. took a short nap in the bathroom a la anego because otherwise, well, i would have fallen asleep at my desk. annoying man who didn't explain well, patronized, and automatically assumed I was doing things wrong. I'm going to get back at him by being absolutely perfect in everything I do.
isn't it wonderful how motivation doesn't really play into human interaction?

tacos for lunch. kekkou oishikatta. glad i went to eat instead of skipping in favor of sleep.

it was cold today. ;_;

language partner mitsukatta!
ashita au hazu da kedo ne.

got my computer looked at; i'll need to get a new hard drive. but i think i'll put it off for a little while at least. I'll take it in to the other office and see if since i've got a very shiny warranty they'll handle the installation of the harddrive for me. Last time they did the keyboard for me. It's a very very shiny warranty.
finally got the package my mommy sent me. yay! sexy!black!shoes. ^_^

need to study and eat. yuck and homework. monday --> wednesday really isn't enough time.

food, tv, class, america, eigo, japanese, baito, mi familia, the pretty, weather, homework, (r-.-)r, sleep, school

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