10 days over so fast

Dec 27, 2010 02:27

Driving home early tomorrow, taking my family with me. Hope we make it through the snow safely!

pinkpapyrus's Sparkly Fic Meme

Day One: Write ten lines of dialogue between two characters who had drunken sex last night and are not talking about it. Ever.
Day Two: Write a scene in four sentences in which two characters bond over something that would seem trivial to a passerby.
Day Three: Write seven sentences from the perspective of a passerby witnessing Day Two's scene.
Day Four: Write a character's reaction to someone's love confession in one sentence.
Day Five: Write a scene in eight sentences in which someone's going through his/her version of "It's a Wonderful Life."
Day Six: Write a scene in six sentences in which a character is searching for someone in the last moments of the end of the world.
Day Seven: Write a breakup scene in three sentences without giving the reason for it or using dialogue.
Day Eight: Write two characters' second kiss in two sentences.
Day Nine: Ask flist for prompts. Write one sentence each for the first five prompts you receive.
Day Ten: Use these lyrics as a prompt: "There's only now/There's only here/Give in to love/Or live in fear" ("Another Day" from RENT) and write a story in nine sentences.
Super Bonus Challenge: Use a different pairing/character each day.) but i am not doing that because i think it will actually be more challenging for me to stick with one.

Edith Piaf rises all around them, and Arthur grabs Eames by the collar, by the sides of his shirt, and pulls him up hard against him, chest to chest. The kiss is hard and fast and desperate, and Eames struggles with instinct and surprise for a moment. Arthur shifts one hand to the back of his head, and murmurs, "Shut up," fiercely against his lips.

Eames sucks in a breath, and says "You're dreaming," fast, hurried, like the breath, like he won't get another chance to say it.

"I know, but I didn't want to wait," says Arthur. He does wait, just a beat, to give Eames a chance to say something else if he wants. Eames doesn't say anything else, though. He doesn't argue about shutting up, doesn't point out that he wasn't talking so that makes stopping difficult, so Arthur kisses him again, harder. Eames kisses back, and after they've ridden the kick back up, they both wake up with the ragged gasps of someone coming up for air around a kiss.

ok giving up i want inception fic, mi familia, weather, america, meme, ficcage

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