Day 9 Needs Your Help!

Dec 26, 2010 01:30

pinkpapyrus's Sparkly Fic Meme

Day One: Write ten lines of dialogue between two characters who had drunken sex last night and are not talking about it. Ever.
Day Two: Write a scene in four sentences in which two characters bond over something that would seem trivial to a passerby.
Day Three: Write seven sentences from the perspective of a passerby witnessing Day Two's scene.
Day Four: Write a character's reaction to someone's love confession in one sentence.
Day Five: Write a scene in eight sentences in which someone's going through his/her version of "It's a Wonderful Life."
Day Six: Write a scene in six sentences in which a character is searching for someone in the last moments of the end of the world.
Day Seven: Write a breakup scene in three sentences without giving the reason for it or using dialogue.
Day Eight: Write two characters' second kiss in two sentences. -
Day Nine: Ask flist for prompts. Write one sentence each for the first five prompts you receive.
Day Ten: Use these lyrics as a prompt: "There's only now/There's only here/Give in to love/Or live in fear" ("Another Day" from RENT) and write a story in nine sentences.
Super Bonus Challenge: Use a different pairing/character each day.) but i am not doing that because i think it will actually be more challenging for me to stick with one.

Day Nine:
Please prompt me! The first five prompts get fic!

pixisticks's prompt, Get up before I get you up:
The worst part is that Arthur knows Eames is doing just to be irritating--Eames is a morning person born and bred and disgusting, and Arthur hates him for that just as surely as he hates him for the fact that he gets up at the crack of dawn to do shit, and then crawls back into bed and pretends to sleep just in time to make them both late to whatever event of the day Arthur absolutely cannot be late for.

pinkpapyrus's prompt, Because of Eames Arthur went through four totems before he settled on the die:
(punctuation abuse version)
Arthur has to stop using both his first and second totem when, no thanks to Eames, they end up being passed around the team when 1) they have major teamwork issues, Arthur storms steps out for more coffee, and Eames decides that they're going to use his rubix cube as an impromptu talking 'stick' and by the time Arthur comes back, the team is having another shouting match and everyone's held his totem at least twice; and 2) Arthur falls asleep working at his desk, and Eames lifts the liberty dollar from Arthur's front breast pocket to impress the femme fatale extractor who'd pulled them in to the job; Arthur loses the third, but he blames Eames because Eames is the one who (accidentally) knocked his pants off the edge of the balcony and into the Rhine with Arthur's totem still in the pocket, and Eames is also the reason he hadn't noticed they were missing; and the fourth, Arthur only admits is Eames' fault to himself, and then only occasionally, because Eames once made an off-hand comment about it not really suiting him, exactly, and Arthur threw it out and then was forced to take two weeks off while he found something else to ground him in reality.

(less offensive version)
Arthur has to stop using both his first and second totem when, no thanks to Eames, they end up being passed around the team when 1) they have major teamwork issues, Arthur storms steps out for more coffee, and Eames decides that they're going to use his rubix cube as an impromptu talking 'stick'. By the time Arthur comes back, the team is having (another) shouting match and everyone's held his totem at least twice; and 2) Arthur falls asleep working at his desk, and Eames lifts the liberty dollar from Arthur's front breast pocket to impress the femme fatale extractor who'd pulled them in to the job. Arthur loses the third, but he blames Eames because Eames is the one who (accidentally) knocked his pants off the edge of the balcony and into the Rhine with Arthur's totem still in the pocket, and Eames is also the reason he hadn't noticed they were missing. The fourth, Arthur only admits is Eames' fault secretly to himself: Eames once made an off-hand comment about it not really suiting him, exactly, and Arthur threw it out and then was forced to take two weeks off while he found something else to ground him in reality.

catskilt's prompt, Seven a.m. and the sun is in his eyes: Seven a.m. and the sun is in his eyes, or he wouldn't have been awake when Eames pressed a quick, dry kiss to his cheek and rolls out the other side of the bed.

mycroftnext's prompt, "Your presence always gives me vague premonitions of disaster.": They get kicked out of the dream much too early, when the ceiling of the actual non-dream flat they're using as a base of operations starts caving in, the upstairs tenant having flooded their kitchen.

@RozsaMaria's prompt, Rewrite any of days one through eight without using a) adjectives or b) the letter e.

Day 7, take 1: He packs everything that will fit into a suitcase, and leaves everything else. Arthur can do what he wants with them. The keys he leaves on the table by the door: he won't need them anymore.

Day 7, take 2: When Eames comes home, Arthur's gone. His keys are on the table, like he's just home first, but he's not because his mug's gone from the kitchen.

Eames sells everything, including the flat, and never goes back.

ok giving up i want inception fic, commentfic, meme, ficcage

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