day 5

Dec 22, 2010 07:55

pinkpapyrus's Sparkly Fic Meme

Day One: Write ten lines of dialogue between two characters who had drunken sex last night and are not talking about it. Ever.
Day Two: Write a scene in four sentences in which two characters bond over something that would seem trivial to a passerby.
Day Three: Write seven sentences from the perspective of a passerby witnessing Day Two's scene.
Day Four: Write a character's reaction to someone's love confession in one sentence.
Day Five: Write a scene in eight sentences in which someone's going through his/her version of "It's a Wonderful Life."
Day Six: Write a scene in six sentences in which a character is searching for someone in the last moments of the end of the world.
Day Seven: Write a breakup scene in three sentences without giving the reason for it or using dialogue.
Day Eight: Write two characters' second kiss in two sentences. -
Day Nine: Ask flist for prompts. Write one sentence each for the first five prompts you receive.
Day Ten: Use these lyrics as a prompt: "There's only now/There's only here/Give in to love/Or live in fear" ("Another Day" from RENT) and write a story in nine sentences.
Super Bonus Challenge: Use a different pairing/character each day.) but i am not doing that because i think it will actually be more challenging for me to stick with one.

When the angel shows up and tells him he has a choice, that this is his last chance and he can straighten his life out or he can stay dead, Arthur assumes he's dreaming. He doesn't even pull his totem out to test the theory, because angels don't exist. Arthur doesn't bother trying to figure out how they got him, how they put him under. Arthur's subconscious is heavily militarized--it's only a matter of time before his projections start tearing their team apart.

The angel takes him to his funeral first, and almost seems upset by how calmly Arthur takes it. It's strange, that none of the projections populating the graveyard notice them, strange when none of them turn on the 'angel' and push Arthur out of the dream. It's when Eames starts to cry, gives up fighting and just lets the tears roll silently down his face, that Arthur starts feeling like this reality just doesn't fit. He palms his totem then, but the weight feels right, and no matter how many times he rolls, it always comes up threes.

He's dead. Cobb's died in a horrifyingly mundane car crash and an angel is showing him the life everyone else would have had if he dies, which is ridiculous. He'd be sure he is dreaming except he remembers exactly how he got here, and he knows what limbo looked like for him, and it's not this.

The angel takes him first to his house, the one that had haunted his dreams, full of Mal; the one he'd needed so badly to get back to, to fill up with his children's faces. The first thing Cobb realizes there is that Mal is alive, and now he fumbles in his jacket pocket desperately for his totem, because that can't be. He doesn't get a good spin, and the top falls over almost immediately--and if this os life without him, if Mal is going to be alive in a world without him, Cobb will take that glady.

Mal pulls an identical top out of her own pocket as he watches and spins it idly on the table, and when it falls, Cobb sees her face fall too, almost imperceptibly, like a hopeless hope crushed and hidden quickly away--not so no one will see it, but so she doesn't have to think about what it means. So the first thing Cobb realizes is that Mal is a live without him, and the second thing is that Mal is absolutely miserable like that.

ok giving up i want inception fic, pairings i never thought i'd write, meme, ficcage

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