apparently i write merlin fic now

Nov 20, 2010 14:26

Title: How to Win a Merthur: a case study in 9 parts
Fandom/Pairing: Merlin; Gwen/Morgana, background Arthur/Merlin
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 3,144
Warnings: Some language, implied sex, so much sap. So very much fluffy, cute, adorable sap.
A/N: This is err, something quite like remix fic for skellerbvvt's Coffeeshop Muffins. mycroftnext sent it to me at work one day and I was like 'I AM IN LOVE' and 'I WANT TO WRITE MORGANA/GWEN' and 'JKFLEAGEIA3HGELKAGEA!!!' she said 'ask permission and do it!' and skellerbvvt was lovely and flailed yes at me. And so I did. Beta by the ever-lovely mycroftnext; Britpick done by my favourite gingifere.

( What a brilliant star you are)

other people's awesome, there be no plot here, ;jkag;ljkag;lkja, pairings i never thought i'd write, ficcage

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