:D friday full of awesome things

Nov 19, 2010 23:18

+Harry Potter! I won't say anything because spoilers, but awesome! Also, I wore the Ravenclaw tie that Krisztina got me all day and it was very exciting. (Aliza wore hers too. When we finally met up, we looked especially doppelganger-y)

+Tricking the waitress at Chinatown Express into thinking I knew Chinese. It was exciting, because when she asked if I was read to order, I did in Chinese and then she switched from English to Chinese to follow up on the order. I failed that bit (unlike err, like last week when I was there with acchikocchi but I did say 'xie-xie' at the end instead of 'thanks' and she remembered when she gave me the check. So, pleased! because my accent which is usually crap was not so crap with the like 3 food-related phrases I needed to use.


+err, there was something else i think, but i can't remember. Possible awesome inception fic.

food, 疲れてるけど, ok giving up i want inception fic, ;jkag;ljkag;lkja, this is not my fandom (yet), my god is an awesome god, socializing ftw, chinese

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