[recipe] Honey Cake

Jul 03, 2010 23:13

recipe stolen from a wonderful person in the comment threads of a journal fen entry.

Preheat oven to 350°.
Thoroughly grease a tube pan or two loaf pans. You don't want pieces of the cake to stick to the pan. (i used one loaf pan, and it seemed to basically fit all of it. it rose a little around the sides, but didn't overflow or anything, and it sagged in the middle, so overall, 1 loaf pan)

Mix together:
1 cup good honey (not the cheap supermarket brand)
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
1/2 cup oil
1/2 cup black coffee (liquid)
1/2 cup orange juice

2 3/4 cups flour
2 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. baking soda
1 pinch salt
1 1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. allspice (lacking allspice, aliza looked up a substitute, which consists of equal parts cinnamon, black pepper, nutmeg, and ground cloves)

Mix until it forms a smooth batter.

Fold in optional raisins.

Pour into greased pan(s).
Bake approximately one hour, or until toothpick inserted is dry. Watch the cake carefully, since it goes from not-done to overdone (i.e. burnt) very quickly. Enjoy!
(right, so, it didn't take NEARLY an hour to start being awfully dark on top. I think I checked around 30 minutes, and it was already verging on burnt, but the inside was still very much liquid. So i turned the heat down to 300, and also moved the pan to the bottom rack and put it in for another 20, and it came out done, but not significantly more burnt than before)

food しよう, food

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