of my computer, so i need to clear out all the links i've written up for posting 'later'.
srs bsns links first, then fic!
srs business!:
this rocks my socks off. it's just. it's such a good thing to hear, to be reminded of, to know. it's what we need to keep repeating until the world changes. it's such a good thing to be put out there, and this post does is so well. just go read it.
also this, which has handy links for resources of the intellectual variety.
Johnny/Evan, Evan feels it whenever Johnny touches himself kink meme fic. it's not like, mind blowing or anything, but it's not something i don't want to be able to find again later :) not emchan!safe.
http://wintergameskink.livejournal.com/4328.html?thread=5414120#t5414120 Johnny gets off with just a buttplug
johnny/stephane johnny works stephane up until he takes the hint and fucks him. not emchan safe. hints of COMING FLUFF.
fluffy fluffy Johnny/Stephane of joy (ok, so it's not really called that). Sequel to the last one. Not emchan!safe but omg kljafeiaglj so much love i feel all warm and fuzzy.
evan/johnny, 'leap year', wallsex. um. hot stuff. not emchan!safe.