scattered away

May 16, 2010 23:59

I can't believe rocksizedheart has been gone for several days already! looking forward to when you come back to visit!

So, since that's sad, i'll save the good but serious links for later. instead, you get fic recs! I have, thanks to acchikocchi (who's been aided and abetted by hontou, and quidit), been sucked into winter olympics fandom. seriously falling hard and fast for this one, guys, and it's not burning out like most whirlwind crushes. i might have to start worrying. i need people to flail with, like seriously. please, come out of the woodwork for me i'm desperate

winter olympics kink meme, johnny weir/evan lysacek, fisting. yes, really. (obviously not emchan!safe.)

winter olympics kink meme, johnny weir/evan lysacek, evan gets off on humiliation. again, yes. really. (obviously not emchan!safe.) this one was really hot, guys.

winter olypics kink meme, johnny weir/stephane lambiel, retiring which is a horribly vague description, but really the only thing i want to tell you about this fic is that it is beautiful (and emchan!safe), and that you should read it.

winter olympics kink meme, johnny weir/stephane lambiel, hurt comfort zebraswan style. WIP. Ok, so I have a confession to make. I really, really detest hurt/comfort fic. maybe it's simply one of the pitfalls of the genre, but so much of it falls into having one character be so absolutely pathetic, this weak little newborn kitten, and the other is then all big and strong and ~*rescues*~ them from whatever hurt they happen to be suffering from and i just. i hate it. it's like they have no personalities except the caricatures of ability and inability. As caricatures, then, their relationship dynamics are all screwed up (in terms of not...having personality), and they're well. they're boring. THIS FIC IS NOT LIKE THAT. this fic is. God, this fic is amazing. it's worth reading even though it's not finished yet. (and i don't remember if this one was emchan!safe or not, sorry!)

I'm kind of glad I didn't know about this fandom when the actual olympics were on, though, because i got to enjoy the olympics in a totally different way than fandom-enjoyment. and also now i can enjoy the fic without knowing anything about any of these people, which is kind of nice too.

in other news briefs: a) I'm excited about the work my artist, beelikej, is doing for my bigbang and aside from all the work i still need to do to get the story post-ready, i'm excited for when they'll go up. b) I'm moving temporarily to the Rockville office on Tuesday to work on a corporate project, which is exciting (and slightly terrifying), and will be challenging and good experience. I am a little :\\ about the fact that having to report to rockville will mean my commute time will double, but overall, looking forward to it. it's short-term, but for the foreseeable future, so that means I have to get my shit together before i leave the site downtown for a while. also need to remember to collect my teacup because i will need it ok.

pimpin', nikki no baka, this is not my fandom (yet), baito, i am so fucked it's not even funny, teh internets > my sanity, socializing ftw, unproductive is my tokugi

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