chase dream :(

Dec 11, 2009 07:54

chase dream. it's been a while since i've had any chase dreams. but this one was slightly less depressingly terrifying as the usual ones. yeah, i spent most of the dream being chased, first by zombie things, then by small groups of evil people who were taking advantage of the lawlessness brought about by zombipocalypse. I think i'd started out with a group of people, but it kept breaking off, until it was just me and a dog. There was one bit where i cut a guy's hamstring and achilles tendon because he'd caught up to me and was trying to keep me pinned down long enough for the rest of his family group of murdering thieves to help catch/kill me. i ended up getting away, but it was a near thing, and it was a near thing for my dog because they had a pair as well.

escaping was always a little bit like parkour as i understand (but definitely can't do) it. catipulting oneself over railings to the next one up, skipping the stairs to go up the wall, anything that was faster and lots and lots of climbing. and then, eventually, i made it to a settlement up in the mountains. it was like, the altitude was too high for zombies or something, like there was a zombie line like there's a tree line and after a certain height they just couldn't survive. So the settlement didn't have to worry about undead attacks, and could be safe for people. best part? working plumbing.

i ran into a lot of the rest of my party, hooked back up with them. also ran into a lot of old enemies, including the family of the guy i'd crippled. he'd lived, which was not really guaranteed out there given the conditions, but he was definitely never walking again and had to use a wheelchair. this probably made running away difficult, but it also made it a lot harder for him to attack people, so i wasn't exactly sorry. more worrisome were a few guys i'd known before the chaos who'd apparently gotten here pretty early on. I'd heard bad things and didn't trust them, but there wasn't much i could do except wait and be ready to run if i had to.

i had access to one box of public storage, but i was planning not to use it if i had to. public storage was, well, public, and i didn't want people rifling through my stuff. the cut throat world out there hadn't made me any less greedy about mine, but it did make people more desperate and more used to scavenging and more willing to take.

(church programs were currency. well, not church, but my church. it was to do with the kind of paper they were printed on. nice thick, kind of beige paper was apparently really rare, even more than just paper paper.

(the zombies were caused, i think, by some kind of nuclear bomb, because one of the things i was told was that i was not ever ever to burn anything, particularly paper, because that would release the toxins they'd all already absorbed. And maybe no zombies this high up, but we could still get dead.)

no one cares no really, dream

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