long post is long.

Dec 10, 2009 18:35

Day 01 → Your favourite song
Day 02 → Your favourite film
Day 03 → Your favourite television programme
Day 04 → Your favourite book
Day 05 → Your favourite quote
Day 06 → Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 07 → A photo that makes you happy
Day 08 → A photo that makes you angry/sad
Day 09 → A photo you took
Day 10 → A photo of you taken over ten years ago
Day 11 → A photo of you taken recently
Day 12 → Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 13 → A fictional book
Day 14 → A non-fictional book
Day 15 → A fanfic
Day 16 → A song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Day 17 → An art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)
Day 18 → Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 19 → A talent of yours
Day 20 → A hobbie of yours
Day 21 → A recipe
Day 22 → A website
Day 23 → A YouTube video
Day 24 → Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 25 → Your day, in great detail
Day 26 → Your week, in great detail
Day 27 → This month, in great detail
Day 28 → This year, in great detail
Day 29 → Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day 30 → Whatever tickles your fancy

When I got in to work today, some elves had decorated my cube for the holidays. I have holly tinsel strung around the outside edge of my cube, and down one inside wall. And i have a metal santa 'list' hanging thing just outside my cube too. It makes me happy. :)))) for one thing, it's like christmas! for another, it's sparkly. shiny things. yes, still a starling.

Then after vaguely failing to muster the concentration to reorganize the library or write my MSR, I settled in on editing which is kind of soothing unless people are really stupid/bad at writing. But instead I got sucked into helping to decorate the public spaces in the office. I dragged my chair (not my computer chair, but the extra, flat chair in my cube) down to help with the high bits. Let's see, we taped these white felt snowflakes to the outsides of three fed manager's offices. They've got the box kind of office rather than the real wall kind of office, out along the edge of the main hallway. We had about 4 of those same felt stars (they all have silver glitter!) that were strung up on ribbon, so we hung them from the light fixtures. We tried just the ceiling, but they didn't show up well except right in the light. I always get to climb up on the chair, which is still fun. usually i take my heels off because i'm not suicidal, but this time i needed the extra inches, so i just tried to be more careful.

Then Jennifer and I designed a mantle-type runner for one of the filing cabinets out in that hallway by twisting a gold net ribbon with some fake garland type....idk what to call it, exactly. it was like a giant faux-evergreen pipecleaner. anyway, wove it with the gold net ribbon, then in the middle, we had another piece of gold net ribbon which we folded into a bow, and to hold it shut i stuck a couple of little....i also don't know what to call them, but they were like christmas-themed corsages. So i put two together, that were red-themed, but with gold accents, and then we put little plastic faux-velvet bows with gold ribbon on either end of the garland. Then we strung more gold ribbon around one of the other centerpiece/mantle type runners on a different filing cabinet, and then i got to go back to my desk.

jacked around, wishing there were ways to assuage solitaire cravings short of playing windows solitaire. there's really nothing like it. even now my clicking finger is a little sad it's not clicking.

started editing the GINORMOUS USER GUIDE on my desk, thought about how i need to clean out my inbox desperately, emailed people, and i got my tea. we got a new instahot thingy installed, and it's much hotter than the last one--which was already hotter than the water cooler. so i won't probably be able to drink it until lunch.

oh! this morning! i rinsed out a cup, and the water just sat in my sink. I hope it's gone now, but as of this morning, water was just sitting in my sink! woe!! i tried running the garbage disposal because last time water came up the sink it was cause i was using the garbage disposal but nothing doing. water's not coming up from the sink drain; it's also just not draining :( i know i didn't get something stuck down there because i haven't actually washed anything for probably a week, but i have occasionally put water in it and it was draining fine yesterday. idk what to doooo. draino and a call to my landlord, probably. but still, woe!

oh! also this morning! but at work and less depressing, jennifer gave me a christmas card. weee. i love christmas cards. :)

then i got an email about mandatory security training so i logged on to skillsport to see if i'd taken both. i had, but i did a little bit of training while i was there.

let's see. about 11 or 11:30 i got hungry, so i made myself a potato chip sandwich out of a slice of bread, and, obviously, potato chips. around 12:20 I heated up my soup--creamy tomato today. :9

after lunch I moved on to library stuff, tackling the huge backlog of hard copy submittals. I didn't get through all of them (maybe about a 4th), but i think i'll have enough that need folders to go through the whole label sheet (which means i'll do it. the printer gets mad at me when i don't do a whole sheet), and i made enough progress to feel quite accomplished about it. i also got up a lot of momentum for tomorrow.

nearly burned myself when i rinsed out my teacup. the instahot thing sputters at first, i think because it's too hot. ate an asian pear. ate another chip sandwich but this one was bbq flavoured, and also had a couple of famous amos cookies.

was totally zonked out for the train ride home. woke up around clarendon and really had to keep myself from falling back asleep or i'd probably have ridden blissfully to the end of the line in my sleep. checked the sink, which is...still not draining, though a little water did drain out--by leaking out from around the join of one pipe into my garbage can. a garbage can thankfully empty of everything but a plastic bag. checked, and i lack draino, but emailed the landlord about the problem.

called dad while heating up leftover tortellini from last night and talked to him a while. then called up mom's cell while heating up some leftover angel hair pasta and some of my taco sauce from the other night. talked to her a while. checked my email, and the landlord is coming to look at my sink/give me the 'ribbons' for the world bank party tomorrow. and also to borrow my vacuum.

need to look into buying tickets tonight. also need to buy dad's christmas present and balance my budget.

i hate my life, food, nikki is graceful like falling bricks, baito, mi familia, meme, food=幸せ

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