last night i knew what to say

Oct 11, 2009 20:44

Spin the Light to Gold

Last night, got dinner with Krisztina's family and tego and rocksizedheart at Buca de Beppo. Unfortunately, stillesprite couldn't make it and we had to pine away without her. perhaps next time though. the food was so good. and i was so full. so amazingly full of such tasty food. though in my 'dessert' cocktail, there was a gnat, and when i sent it back, they jsut dumped most of it (the gnat) out. the bit taht had sunk to the bottom was still there. :\\\\\\

one extinction mystery solved.

Erica: ... b/c that is unfortunately how i roll ;)
lol i love her, she's just so. 1/3 of the time she's like, on the verge of stress-induced coworker razing, and the other third she's hilarious. and that last third she's both.

Schrödinger’s Rapist, and how to avoid (as much as possible), being that person.

Today, tego and i went to the national equality march. we were late, cause i was coming from church, but it didn't really matter, since there were so many people. we hopped in around H&17 st, and i ate the sando i'd packed. then, right past the white house, we met up with boyfolk and her friend Megan (sp?), though we never did find Noah.

jadedfrenzy: @anamuan ... you're not very good at riding a bike, are you >.>

um, right. Because no one traveling is ever tense or uneasy. I mean, waiting in line, the possibility of being searched (even if you're not carrying anything, it's not something i wanna do), flight times and will you make them? how about that connection?, how you're going to get to the bathroom with your rolly suitcase, etc., those things never cause tension.

so, anyone know anything about salmonella?

other people's awesome, news, pimpin', nikki no baka, america, baito, i don't have tags for intelligent things, quotes without context, with the random

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