
Oct 06, 2009 22:26

mom: yes, you can decide for me when the time come, that is why I have smart children

in one of those incredibly dorky moments I have, I realized that 'chara,' an abbreviation i once used exclusively for characters of the fictional nature, has now had its usage expanded to include any meaning of the word character in english. significance?

Anyone else ever just sit back and muse how grateful they are to have opposable thumbs? thumbs are great!

Jennifer B (coworker/fed who was approving the results of a project of mine): OMG, it moves! I love it!
can i just say i love the fact that she used OMG in an email to me, and also that she is amazed that the powerpoint slide moves.

DC tried to forge a document today! only they did it really obviously badly. oh, dc. when will you learn that you can't go about your forgeries half-assedly?

i did it for science hands down the best thing i've read the whole day, and and good portion of that reading was taken up with this awesome merlin fic i will love forever and ever. just as a note, this i did it for science link, while laudable research, is not really safe for work. (i have also, possibly found a new favourite website, which may occasionally be safe for work)

yesterday we had a fire alarm at work! the weather was really nice, perfect sunny fall day, so it was nice to get an enforced outing. i wouldn't have gotten to enjoy the weather otherwise. :)

on another note, ro is so spammy.

other people's awesome, tv, pimpin', nerdly ftw!, this is not my fandom (yet), eigo, quotes without context, baito, bakanakoto, weather, with the random

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