need a second weekend just to CLEAN

Oct 02, 2009 07:43

Was going to wait at least until i had some more links, but going away for the weekend and i might not even have cell phone service so i'm not even bothering with the computer. so might as well dump them all now. I hope it's a fun time :)

Waiting for my real life to begin. This is not even close to my fandom, but i've watched a good number of stargate: atlantis eps, and this is just good fic.

Cho: You're gonna die alone.

Per Ardua, Ad Astra Au's not really my thing, and long fic isn't really my thing, but I love kind of story (and all the forever long j2 au i've been reading lately must be bleeding over), so I thought I'd give it a shot. Normally I'd wait till I finished, and no way in hell would i be able to read something like this in the, like, 4 hours i was on the internet last night, but again, leaving town, so tentatively reccing now.

Tego: i'm kind of mean to apples. i don't eat them very often, but when i do....there's not much left.

the one in which Arashi are evil robots programmed to take over the world. it's a fun read.

if i'm not 'back' by sunday afternoon, send someone to see if i've been eaten by bears!

tv, pimpin', quotes without context, this is not my fandom (yet)

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