*Killed by cute*

Sep 27, 2009 14:41

thanks to wakikaki. BEST LETTER EVA!

this has some fantastically gorgeous lines in it

So yesterday I went to Georgetown's homecoming tailgate. I hear from my father that we lost the game (against Howard), unsurprisingly, but i didn't stay for that. The tailgate was fun. I had plans to meet up with rocksizedhart there, and we ran into some other people we knew (from her year; i knew them from japanese classes and some clubs) and hung out with them. The pizza was good, and the beer was not--bud light, which i usually manage to avoid with some semblence of success, tasts basically like fizzy water. I also didn't get much choice about what i was drinking. it was like, you're a girl! you must want bud light. but whatev.
I also got an icecream sando because, as the icecream guy said, nothing goes better with beer than icecream!

wtf you physically watched me make those tortes did your sexism cause you to go blind? i loled.

For all that yesterday's weather was pretty consistently miserable, today is just a very nice, cool, sunny fall day.

all i can do is imagine the local butterfly news stations and missing butterfly reports skyrocketing. i'm an ass, obviously

After that, the rain picked up and by the time rocksizedheart and I caught the bus on M st, my not-water-proof shoes were soaked through and making unpleasant squelching noises, and basically i spent the next 45min-1 hour with wet, soaked feet, which might explain why i don't feel so awesome today.

@akmamber: I just defeated PowerPoint so badly that it's sitting in the corner crying now. I am the queen!

So, rocksizedheart came back with me, and then later Tego called and said she was on her way home from the library, and would I mind if she came over, so she came up, and we chilled for the evening.

anamuan: so you're saying americans are like their beer: frothy and tasteless?

Once rocksizedheart left, Tego and I watched an ep of Dark Angel, and then i went to bed. I did, unfortunately, have to bow out of plans with therelic and stillesprite to go to the goth club with them last night, but I was too cold and tired. Don't worry, you won't be able to get rid of me next time!
And i totally skipped out of the church lunch/board meeting today, because i just wanted to go home and crawl back into bed. which i did. and, in fact, i'm going to go do that again now.

sillyandmorbid: HIS EYES TURNED BLACK! merlin needs salt and gas. OH NO! gasoline hasn't been invented yet!

read: Tri-Angle, the fic written for me for jerainbowbridge, and i love it! it's adorable, and sweet, and the dialogue is just, so, so awesome i want it to be mine forever.

other people's awesome, news, tv, pimpin', hoya saxa, this is not my fandom (yet), quotes without context, weather, sleep, with the random, socializing ftw

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