[recipe] super easy veggie pot pie:

Sep 23, 2009 22:37

related to me by the ever food!savvy stillesprite. time for some good cold weather recipes.

can of cond mushroom soup
chopped up small potatoe
bag of mixed veggies of your pref, thawed in the microwave
salt/pepper/spices as preferred (but even w/out Anything it still comes out basic-tasting and good)
crusts of a 2crust pie.

mix e/thing together and dump into a pieshell, top w other crush.
bake til browned.

anywhere between 350-375F is standard. since the insides are more or less cooked already anyway, the point is to cook the shell and get it all nice and piping hot.
times may vary w/ ovens.
mine are usually done in 45mins but at c's parents house it took over an hour, so after 50mins i cranked the temp upto 380 for a while, and ended up broiling it until i got the desired gold for 3mins at the end. it could also be due to the meh-quality of the store-bought crust vs the crisco crusts i make. ie crisco is more flammable and thus easy brownable?

food しよう, 疲れてるけど

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