the lengths we go

Apr 30, 2009 21:39

So the Pens are playing the Caps next in the next series in these playoffs. I take back the part of today where I was musing on how this has become my city. Some places never stop being home.
Downside is that I'll have to rearrange my schedule again so I can send my concern rays to the Penguins. Upside is that I will definitely be able to watch all of these games on the local station.

And can I just say that this membership class on Saturday is very poorly timed. I will miss the first hour of the game because of their poor scheduling skills. Don't they know that hockey comes first?

Apparently the electric company grossly overcharged me last month, because this month I owe nothing? That's just odd. Actually, looking at the statement, it looks like they billed us twice last month so I had 53 some dollars credit to my name. Since my power bill this month was only 37 some, I still have credit on my account.

mom via text: Good morning we are on our home

This is the first day in a long time I've gotten enough sleep and you would not believe the different 30-50 minutes makes, even when you wake up in a HOSHIT-I'M-LATE panic at 6:40.
Speaking of 6:40, i currently have a theory that 6 became 'the devil's number' based on its connection to way too fuck early in the morning = pure evil.

bean was in town this week, so after work I picked up Tego (and she showed me how to use the ATM) and we walked to Harry's Taproom in Clarendon and met up with
bean, her oniichan and Michelle for dinner. everyone but
bean got burgers (she had paella) and then we stuck around for dessert. Tego felt a little bad for the waiter, because he managed to walk into every single off-colour conversation we had at the table.

food, tv, america, church, mornings should diaf, mi familia, quotes without context, no one cares no really, sleep, socializing ftw

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