in which i talk too much.

Apr 24, 2009 22:19

it's been far too long, but i either haven't had the time or energy to write a post, mostly both.

Saturday! was generally lovely. The weather was gorgeous, and! rofl sorry, having a name blank. his name is matt. the first time i met him, it was him and another guy from krisztego's office in the drag race, and together they were Pulling Out of Iraq. I remembered not their names, but that one had more purple and one had more green eye-shadow camo on his face. right, so the weather was gorgeous, and Matt drove krisztego and I (and his girlfriend Jenny (sp?) who was nice and funny) up to Anne's place near the zoo where we dropped off our dessert for later. My phone fell out of my coat pocket in his car, and i had a panic moment (by which i mean, hour) when i tried to find it/find his car. But it was there and everything was good. And the apartments/condos on Sedgewick have amazing landscaping. I left my jacket in his car after all that, because it was too nice to need it, and i figured even if I didn't get it back that night, it probably wouldn't get cold enough i'd cry for it, and he works with krisztego, so i could get it monday. which is what happened.

I had everyone go in before me, because I need my phone, and i caught up with them at Big Cats, which are probably my favourite part of zoos, so that was awesome. We did much watching, and had talking, and had fun. We had about 10 or 11 people in our group, and I think everyone had a good time. Incidentally, everyone from the car was in favour of child-leashes except Tego, who thinks they're creepy. I cited monkey backpack child-leashes, and i feel this trumps any creepiness factor.

After the zoo, we lost pared our group down to about 7 and decided that this was a small enough group to have dessert picnic in Anne's apartment instead of taking it to a park (also, we were tired from walking around the zoo for 4 hours, and were less likely to get in trouble for drinking in public, even if we disguised it). That was great fun too. The conversation was boisterous and eclectic and just, in some ways, very 'young DC-ite'.

Then we hopped the train to Dupont and met up with other people for dinner at Thaiphoon. I got a duck curry that was OMG SO SPICY but OMG SO GOOD.

Sunday, I went to church, and then recovered from Saturday. I was also pretty productive around the house, i think, but i don't actually remember.

This week, i think things happened, but again, i don't really remember. I had my excel class and learned some cool things on Wednesday. My after-work appointments canceled monday and tuesday, which is a little sad, but i'm kind of glad because i really needed the downtime. We had a meeting yesterday about 'standards' in QA between the contractors at LM (who do a lot of tech writing that we later proof. i guess there have been problems with them in the past that they're working to clean up) and the webteam. It wasn't terribly useful in my mind, but whatever.

Oh, I did my first job for bad!linda, which wasn't really terribly hard and took about an hour total. She admitted to be 'exacting' rofl or something like that, but also made it clear that she knows my other work comes first because that is my actual job and good!linda wants to keep me XD. It seems my good impression on good!linda has proven useful with bad!linda though, because i think she went in with a good impression with me, and after the job, i got a note from erica saying she was very happy with my work, so hopefully she'll continue thinking i'm great and not be the scary bitch she's known to be, and i won't have to hide when i see her out of fear for my life. I'm kind of glad to have gotten that job though, because except for Wednesday (which was a BITCH of a day) it was a pretty slow week, and I'd much rather be working at work than sitting and staring into space. not like i can get on lj and read the flist at work, so it really comes down to 'well, i guess i could...pick lint off my sweater' if nothing's coming through QA and I'm still waiting for status reports.

Wednesday, though, was a bitch. Because Tuesday afternoon, i got a job an hour before i left that they said needed to be done by friday. it was a legal document, but only 33 pages, so i figure, sure, friday's fine. So when the FBI calls me, I'm like sure, let's set up an appointment for tomorrow at 1. After I get to work wednesday (late, mind, because of my class), though, the people who sent that document are like AND BY FRIDAY WE MEAN TODAY AT 2:30 :DDDDD. Which was just. not going to be possible, and jennifer (who technically submitted it) knew it, but her team lead was like AND WE REALLY MEAN 2:30. so she took half of what was left, and i took the rest, and we were like 'ok, 2:30 let's go!' And then i went away for 12 minutes for my FBI interview, and i get back to my desk, and she's like AND SO THEY REALLY WANT IT AT 1:30. I finished my half at 1:27 and we turned it in, but damn. that was just a mean thing to do. I make no claims about the quality of the last 6 pages, because i was just skimming for things they'd done before.

The worst part? They changed our deadline on the basis that they'd 'talked to the QA team,' were told that 2:30 was a totally do-able deadline (because they scheduled the meeting themselves, so they totally didn't need to have done that to us). NO ONE TALKED TO QA. we are a three person team. It is not hard for us to find out if and who on our team you talked to, and you did not talk to us. We did not tell you, yes, 2:30 the next day is a good time because your document will be long done. that is just pure bull shit. :\\\\

The weather today was gorgeous though, and while i had horrid cramps, mel, rebecca and I went walking down through smithsonian castle's garden, down the length of the mall past the washington monument and through the WWII memorial, before heading back. It was just. such a gorgeous day.

And I made a fritata for dinner on a variation of the recipe in Express the other day. (rofl because when do i ever follow a recipe?) It was absolutely fab and i am in love.

food, watch me be vain, wtf, nikki no baka, idiotic is my new hobby, america, church, food=幸せ, my god is an awesome god, why aren't you kidding?, baito, no one cares no really, weather, wow you suck, socializing ftw

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