ramble ramble~

Mar 20, 2009 20:27

pro-bono lawyer work on behalf of victims of domestic violence

We get these emails about family & children related news articles at work. Idk if they’re themed or not, but apparently yesterday was DV day. D:

when it comes to shampoo, less is more.
...they interviewed gtown students ok.

Tuesday marked March's Salad Day, and so my official 1 month mark. After one month being a grown-up, i have to say it doesn't feel all that different from not being a grown-up. perhaps that means I haven't grown up any XD

nihongofrancais came to visit me starting Thursday. Since she missed her intended bus, she got in about 2 hours later than originally planned, so instead of getting her then meeting therelic inside metro center, I met therelic (and stillesprite) and was given a bag full of squished bread of AWESOME. Then i booked it home, got everything ready for okonomiyaki later, and then back out to get nihongofrancais at the union station metro.

Our dinner was lovely ♥

Friday, went to work. and then we......crap. what did we do? oh right. friday was dinner at Sakana (sorry cannot find actual restaurant website because i am lazy). after work, i hopped up to Gallery Place via the yellow line and met nihongofrancais and therelic. From there we walked to Metro Center and killed some time sort of shopping downtown (sort of in that no one bought anything) until 6. Then we hopped the red line to Dupont, and down P St to Sakana where we met rocksizedheart, Tego, and another Gtown grad named Sharon (....i think. shanon? i don't really know her. i've only talked to her a couple of times at language table.) After several good hours, first eating and talking, and then just chilling on the street outside the restaurant (though sharon had to leave early), we stopped by a liquor shop on the way back to the metro and parted ways. Tego came back with us, and we enjoyed our newly bought liquor and watched 3 episodes of Last Friends.

Possibly related to this, i whacked nihongofrancais in the head in my sleep that night.

Saturday, i also don't remember what happened saturday, oh right! we went shopping (with Tego) down in Pentagon City for several hours, and then came home and kind of collapsed. i don't even remember what we ate.

Sunday, I went to church, then stopped at the grocery store on the way home after a bit of conversation with people. Then we went to join therelic, stillesprite, therelic's oniichan (no relation), Tego, and Michelle (the other little japanese girl with short hair who graduated the year before us) at ACKC. It's kind of equidistantly not close to any metro station while still being in the middle of the city. And right next to a men's underwear store. We stayed there for several hours (except Michelle, who had to leave not long after tego arrived) being the loudest people in the chocolate cafe. (btw, if you like choco. GO HERE. but be careful. I've been put off dessert for. like, ever.)

Then. we. idek. lazed about maybe?

Monday i went to work. after work we. did. something. god my memory fails. nihongofrancais HALP!

Tuesday we caught an early dinner with winterspel at matchbox, which was very good. nihongofrancais got the sea scallops (...or some kind of seafood i won't eat, at any rate) and said they were good. I got the fire and smoke pizza, which was actually (for once) as spicy as a restaurant threatened it would be, but still delicious. winterspel got the sausage pizza. Then nihongofrancais got this waffle with almond icecream for dessert, which was HUGE, and also tasty.

Then, as winterspel rushed to catch a movie with another friend, we came home, tego and krisztina came over, and we made brownies and watched Crime Show.

At 5 am Wednesday morning, nihongofrancais left me T_T.

So, here's a funny story from work, which i will assume is alright to recount because i QA'd it for publication later, so i think it's going to be posted on the website. And there are no names, so it's still confidential. This incredibly good looking guy, a window washer, shows up at a passport office in Washington state and is like MY EMPLOYER WANTS ME TO GO DOWN WITH HER TO MEXICO TO WASH HER WINDOWS :D CAN I HAVE MY PASSPORT? :DD
and they were like 'um. no. washing windows is not a good enough reason. pay your child support.'
and the next day he came back with 10 grand in back child support, paid for by his 'boss' so that he could get his passport, and go down to mexico and 'wash her windows' roflrofl. oh yes.

recently posted fic:
A Time and Place by anamuan
    Yamapi/Jin, JE, NC-17

The Come-Down by anamuan
    Yamapi/Jin, JE, NC-17

jin/junno porning by anamuan
    Jin/Junno, JE, NC-17

eta: steele is an exceptionally good rapper, in steven colbert (and his video editing peoples') head(s).

news, food: レストラン, food, tv, nikki no baka, i can't believe i wrote this, food=幸せ, porn is my new new hobby, ficcage, baito, pairings i never thought i'd write, socializing ftw, with the random, posts of oblique references

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