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poor jensen (fucking formotting) (again! ;LFKWAFLWF UGH) roundaboutit January 31 2009, 03:35:41 UTC

Rofl a QC plug. God I love that comic. Best thing ever.

“Our father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name...”

“Pst. Pssssss! Jensen. Hey, Jensen. Jensen pssssssst!”

“Jay? What?”

“I want to get married.”

“Now? You want to get married now?”

“Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, one earth as it is in heaven...”

“Yeah, what’s wrong with now?”

“What’s wrong with no- Jared we’re at a funeral.”


“It’s Kim’s funeral? You know, the man who helped with our careers a bit? A good friend? Maybe we should, I don’t know, honour his memory by not asking Jensen annoying questions during his funeral?”

“I’m sorry, God. Sorry, Kim.”


“Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses.”

“Seriously though, Jensen, I want to marry you. I want to get married.”

“No. If you wanted to get married, you should have married Sandy like you were supposed to.”

“Oh you mean Sandy who is actually a lesbian with your girlfriend? The same Sandy that is currently in Cabo with said girlfriend enjoying a full month of carpet munching?”

“Yes, that Sandy. Now shut up and let me pay my respects.”

“No. Not until you answer me, Jen. Let’s get married.”




“Please, Jen?”

“Hey Ackles, shut it!”

“And lead us not into temptation...”

“Sorry, Genevieve.”


“No, Jay. And stop glaring at Genevieve, jeeze.”

“Jensen, I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. We already spend all of our time together anyways, and we even own our own home. I can cook for you and take care of you. I can give you anything you want. Please marry me, Jen.”

“I said no!”

“Damn Jen, why not?!”

“Because we’re at a fucking funeral!”

“Shhhhhh! Jensen Ackles, what the hell is wrong with you?!”

“Sorry, Genevieve! Sorry!”

“Hey Genevieve! Suck a fat one, right? Leave him alone.”


“Piss off, you little bitch.”

“For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory...”

“ ‘Little bitch’? Oh that’s it. Fuck you, Jared.”

“Not with that vagina on your face.”


“Jared Padalecki! Jensen Ackles! Genevieve Cortese! What the hell is going on here.”

“Nothing, Eric, i’m so sorry. I’m just- i’m sorry. So sorry. I’m sorry.”

“Take that back, you little bitch! Jensen, Jensen, she’s calling me names!”

“Whiney little fucker...”

“For ever and ever...”

“Guys will you shut up?! We’re at a fucking funeral!”



“Why did we have to get kicked out, she started it.”

“Oh my fucking fuck. We’re going to hell. We’re going to go to hell. Oh God-”

“I mean, all I did was call her a ‘little bitch’-”


“Jen? Why are you glaring at me? Is that your sexy face? Are you doing Blue Steel to distract me?”

“I hate you...”

“You know... seventy percent of couples begin their marriage with those very words.”

“I am not marrying you. Not now, not ever. And I swear to God that I will break your legs if you ever ask me again.”


“I now pronounce you Husband and Husband. You may now kiss the Groom.”

“What was that, Jen?”

“Shut up and kiss me.”


Re: poor jensen (fucking formotting) (again! ;LFKWAFLWF UGH) anamuan January 31 2009, 03:41:44 UTC
lolol i am not laughing at you, not at all.

“No. Not until you answer me, Jen. Let’s get married.”
last i checked, Jared, 'no' is an answer.

rofl i love that jensen is the one getting in trouble XDDD *mean*

ahahahahahaha oh how i love this. *goes to edit entry*


Re: poor jensen (fucking formotting) (again! ;LFKWAFLWF UGH) roundaboutit January 31 2009, 04:07:04 UTC
rofl don't laugh at me )))):


Re: poor jensen (fucking formotting) (again! ;LFKWAFLWF UGH) anamuan January 31 2009, 04:26:39 UTC
would i ever?


Re: poor jensen (fucking formotting) (again! ;LFKWAFLWF UGH) roundaboutit January 31 2009, 04:31:57 UTC


Re: poor jensen (fucking formotting) (again! ;LFKWAFLWF UGH) anamuan January 31 2009, 04:33:42 UTC
well, can i kiss it better?


Re: poor jensen (fucking formotting) (again! ;LFKWAFLWF UGH) roundaboutit January 31 2009, 04:35:22 UTC
you can try.

rofl i'm having a roundaboutit&anamuan as j2 moment where it's like

nikki/jared: can i kiss it better?


nikki/jared: why not ):




Re: poor jensen (fucking formotting) (again! ;LFKWAFLWF UGH) anamuan January 31 2009, 06:14:05 UTC
*snerk* *KISSES YOU ANYWAY* *gets you kicked out of the funeral*

T_T why did they kick us outtttttt T_T T_T T_T


Re: poor jensen (fucking formotting) (again! ;LFKWAFLWF UGH) roundaboutit January 31 2009, 06:25:19 UTC
d;lwaf;l rofl rofl rofl


Re: poor jensen (fucking formotting) (again! ;LFKWAFLWF UGH) myxstorie January 31 2009, 06:56:50 UTC
rofl such win XD


Re: poor jensen (fucking formotting) (again! ;LFKWAFLWF UGH) roundaboutit January 31 2009, 07:05:50 UTC
snort. jensen's life is so hard.


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