
Jan 26, 2009 21:23

like you knew it wasn't going to happen:

things like chemistry by _mournthewicked. Author rates it R for language; i personally didn't think it was that bad, but tread carefully i guess. Jared/Jensen. some sort of prequel to some AU fic i haven't read yet. READ IT. AM IN LOVE.

And here's the original: We Must Reinvent Love by _mournthewicked. It's a long one. give yourself some time. but. kind of addictingly good. and. just. yes, good.

You Can Breath Now. there's a sequel. I won't even lie. I was kind of ecstatic to see that little link at the bottom of the page, because. kjlafeiajkgleajlgk SEQUEL. I NEED MORE FLUFF. YES. part 2

speaking of high school AU, have you read this yet like you ought?

see, you know that it's bad when i actually enjoyed the ridiculous, unrealistic sappy hallmark movie last night. well, the fact that a lot of it took place in Georgetown probably helped a bit.

(also i'd like to take a chance to pimp comment_fic which needs MOAR JE OK. go out and japanese boyband-ify their asses. ♥)

lol i've probably told half of you individually already, if you were around. but the phone interview was really easy and not really an interview. The head of the team I'd be on if I get it called and told me about the job in depth (btw, it sounds pretty awesome. really something i'm interested in) and then i asked a couple of questions about the job/office and answered (i hope) her question about my experience and then she was basically like 'DO YOU THINK YOU'RE STILL INTERESTED?' and i was like 'YES OMG!' (but more professionally). I guess she could have been like 'ok, thanks for your time.' instead of 'i'll have corky call you to set up a face-to-face interview' but still, it felt really easy and i have no idea what kind of impression i made, or how much and how skilled my competition is, so it doesn't feel like it was worth all my stressing just because i didn't do anything XD
So idk when that will be yet, since it was pretty late in the day by then, and i didn't think he'd call today. if he doens't call soon i'll start being D: and worried. but um. yeah. i think it went well? i just don't if it going well means anything. I'm glad i did a lot of prep for the supposed interview today, because it means i'll be better at the actual interview when it happens.

Thank you everyone who spared me some kind thoughts ♥ ilu all

I was actually really productive today. check-up in the morning, then to BB&T and I opened an account, and then i dropped off library books. Then it was home and a quick nap (which i woke up from a couple of hours before the phone call so i wouldn't be loopy and out of it) through which i had D: interview nightmares where I missed the phone call in various ways. First i wasn't home in time, caught out running errands. Then someone called me, and I ended up being on the phone past 3:30 and freaking out about whether or not i could call them or if it was too late. Then i woke up a bit and said NO MORE INTERVIEW DREAMS to myself, and everything after that were chase dreams. :\\

pimpin', hoobaloo!!, with the doom!, nikki no baka, this is not my fandom (yet), to do, what; is this hope?, dream, ♥ILU FLIST, sleep, teh internets = my sanity, chinese

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