chinglish menu: "ming furnace confused fish

Jan 22, 2009 19:50

Rokkyuu is live! but also currently in its beta version until february so it's invite only until then. I have an extra registration code for the beta version. Anyone want it?

anamuan: i love your little whimper noises. They sound fearful and make me happy.

Got a haircut. My hair is short! It's a little shorter than I expected, but totally cute ( ( Read more... )

watch me be vain, hoobaloo!!, quotes without context, the pretty, posts of oblique references, meme

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saturnianlove January 23 2009, 04:51:25 UTC
I'm laughing at kat-tun's cleverness xD

uwah, I think I've been tagged-! also, give us pictures of your haircut. It sounds cute.


anamuan January 23 2009, 04:55:58 UTC
jkl;af people keep demanding pictures. i should take them tonight while it's still professionally styled and pretty.


saturnianlove January 23 2009, 05:47:34 UTC
sounds good~

also, I just finished \:D/ now to start the editing process~ idk when this will get posted ): to make it good, I think you have to come away from fic and then come back and edit more a few days later. but I'm so impatient.


anamuan January 23 2009, 06:05:47 UTC
jk;lfaeal otsukare sama!!

*nodnod* fresh eyes. but i feel your pain. it's hard to wait.


saturnianlove January 23 2009, 06:26:54 UTC
I just hope people don't start reading and go "why is this so long? I'm bored." lololol Dx


anamuan January 23 2009, 06:29:11 UTC
fn,ealjk;geag D: why would people do that?


saturnianlove January 23 2009, 08:23:21 UTC
I hope they don't! I actually kind of like this fic :D

Ryo is the greatest. He often makes his way into fic and makes it awesome, right? I really really like him in this. He's so hilarious.


anamuan January 23 2009, 18:40:27 UTC
If you like it, then I'm sure other people will like it too ♥ you have good taste kara.

rofl he really is. Ryo is the fairy godmother.


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