chinglish menu: "ming furnace confused fish

Jan 22, 2009 19:50

Rokkyuu is live! but also currently in its beta version until february so it's invite only until then. I have an extra registration code for the beta version. Anyone want it?

anamuan: i love your little whimper noises. They sound fearful and make me happy.

Got a haircut. My hair is short! It's a little shorter than I expected, but totally cute (professionally styled, at least XD let's see what happens tomorrow). I feel like a cute Asian pop star, with one of those high-energy short dos.
it was kind of spur of the moment. this morning when i woke up to go to the appointment, I decided not to go with the usual, and spent my breakfast time leafing through magazines for a look i liked. snap decision! i need to buy more magazines with girls in them, obviously, so that i have cute asian hairstyles at my fingertips at will.

whenever i decide to get it short, i'm fine with my decision up until scissors meets hair. then my mind goes off like a mouse in a jar for a bit. luckily, my hairdresser is consistently good at making me not regret my decisions.
also, my hair is now too short to twist, which will improve my ability to look professional, though i will have to find something else to do with my hands. i'll consider and then not take up croqueting again.

I also got an email from someone about my resume and wanting to schedule an interview. I was trying to decide which level of spam it was (i.e. an actual company actually looked at my resume and thought 'insurance sales has nothing to do with editing, let's solicit her anyway', or 'total spam but i've been looking at job things lately so the spam filter didn't recognize it'), when I got a telephone message from them as well, confirming that they got it from my resume.
meh. *deletes* :D better~

nihongofrancais: kat-tun is doing the rescue them song
nihongofrancais: called innovatively "rescue" XD
anamuan: they're very clever
anamuan: i bet their teddy bears were named 'bear'
anamuan: unless someone had a teddy-kitten or something. then it was probably named 'cat'

tagged by yamapea

Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 16 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 16 people to be tagged. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you. i am not tagging because 16 people is a lot, half of you are on hiatus, and the other half have probably been tagged already. in that light, if you haven't been tagged, please consider yourself so now.

♠My teddy bear has traveled all over the world with me, and i still take her most places--particularly if we've never been before.
♠When I was little, I liked to play under tables, chairs, beds, (and so forth); Today, I kind of like being under overpasses, or the lower levels of
♠I'm not a huge AU fan, but all my favourite published fiction is fantasy or sci fi.
♠I have no real reason for wanting to learn Japanese. I just did.
♠I am a bit of a gamer because of my mother--I used to watch her play Mario on the original nintendo all the time. I still like watching other people video games.
♠Speaking of video games, my greatest moment with duck hunt was the one time i shot randomly into the grass and hit a duck :D
♠When I was little, I climbed the pine trees in my backyard, until the one year I got stuck on the same branch several several times. Then i think i gave up. XD
♠err, I spent a few non-consecutive years in China growing up.
♠in general, i don't like reading 'classics'. i think they're mostly over-rated.
♠i like bathrooms with windows, or better yet, a skylight. dark bathrooms are both depressing, and a waste of electricity. (though i suppose it's nice to have a room to hide in if there's a hurricane)
♠i am running out of things. how is any of this interesting My old house in West Liberty had two stain glass windows in the master bedroom
♠I got a taste for both wine and beer in Japan because my host family served it with dinner, and i thought it would be rude not to drink it. By the end of the year, I liked them.
♠legos were my favourite toy growing up (barring the teddy bear)
♠really light blue eyes freak me out
♠i'm half second generation american and half daughter of the american revolution
♠i really dislike anise.
I am really bad at picking random facts about myself. none of them are random to me.

watch me be vain, hoobaloo!!, quotes without context, the pretty, posts of oblique references, meme

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