Just the one, two I was just counting on

Nov 14, 2008 02:24

Happy Birthday, Ro's Daddy! it's late only because my internet died again.

So last night my internet cut out, and I couldn't get it back. Now, I've been having wireless problems the last few days--we all have--because the connection's a little spotty after mom downloads something. So after about 40 minutes of useless tinkering, i gave up and went to bed. Sometimes giving it a little time works (or at least makes me feel better about it), and I'm not at my freshest that early in the morning. Cursory checks in the morning showed it still wasn't working, but i had to go out and run some errands.

Once we got back, my system admin (mom) got serious about fixing it (which means she got like a pitbull with its teeth in something). So we did everything we could think of, restarts, disabling, enabling, device controllers, drivers, etc. And eventually (when Annie reports that the X-box connection is not working either), she resets the router, then calls comcast to see if they can get my wireless to work. After a very long time on hold, they were very friendly and we did everything again after they restarted the modem.

That didn't work, so we call dell technical support and get through much faster and they were also very friendly. We did many things (including resetting the clock aka the default settings) and taking the wireless card out and putting it back in (yay! computer!surgery) and...well, in short, none of it worked. My ethernet connection is back to working (which it wasn't when we started with dell), but the long and short of it is after 5+ years of hard work and near constant use, my wireless card seems to have died of old age. *sigh*

Needless to say, I will probably be online a lot less than I already was. Maybe this means I will get my jehols and ficgames done. Ok, probably not.

Other than that, Dad went down to Cheat Lake (without us) today, so we had pizza. A library book (The Big Switch) came in for me (the library didn't have a copy, so they bought one when I requested it, so I got first dibs), so we went down to get that. Mom paid utility bills, and then we went to Jebia's and got much produce.

Thank God for saved drafts. Everything cut out shortly before i was ready to post and does not seem as though it wants to come back. I am currently backing the important things up. T_T

That was the long version. The short version goes something like: please shoot me.

i hate my life, food, wtf, with the doom!, my god is an awesome god, someone just shoot me kthxbai, annie, teh emo, why aren't you kidding?, mi familia, no one cares no really, please let me live through this week, ;_;, teh internets = my sanity, sleep

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