squeezing in before midnight

Nov 12, 2008 23:34

Happy Birthday Rhey! May it be sparkly and bright!

took annie and her friends to Grecco's last night for dinner. It was really frickin' cold. They had to give me directions ^^;.
Somehow or other we got on the topic of excuses you can give people instead of your email address. My contribution was 'Email is against my religion' and apparently, deadpan was too convincing for them.

In a Novel Theory of Mental Disorders, Parents' Genes Are in Competition

Annie had science bowl today. Her team knocked out JM B, but then JM A took them down. Park B took out JM A, and then died under Magnolia. I think Park A is going to states.

mycroftnext: You will always be the Stadler to my Waldorf babe. ;-)

This is not turning out to be the year of my family's good health. Uncle Jackson may also have cancer in his hip bone. The doctor apparently found something that might indicate that on some scan 6 months ago and didn't feel like saying anything. So...we don't know. He could be fine. But he had a weird scan the doctor decided to bring up today finally. and idk.

edit: oh! Deal @ snapfish where if you upload photos, or open an account in the next 2 days, you can get a free photobook. You still have to pay shipping, but hey! free~

news, wtf, my god is an awesome god, annie, quotes without context, why aren't you kidding?, mi familia, weather, ;_;, ♥ILU FLIST, wow you suck, i don't even know what to call this tag, unproductive is my tokugi

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