
Sep 18, 2008 23:07

Was all set to make stuffed peppers today, and then i remembered. Leftovers. Cue the Holy Spotlight and the Tabernacle Choir.

jon stewart: i think he seems like a nice guy. i'd probably like him too, if he wasn't in charge of me'

He was later admitted into counseling to help him overcome any trauma. Yes.

sillyandmorbid: purple and green make blue!

Went to Tego & Krisztina's today around 7:30 and chilled for a bit (ate their junkfood. mmm cadbury's. oh, and a bit of lawn stillesprite made.) And we watched the pilot episode of Firefly on hulu and i may be in love. erm. a little. >.>
It's like a western. but set in space. ♥

I might need icons. help?

stewart: it's an old expression, it goes: don't invade iraq; it's a nightmare.

Additionally, i may have housing in ballston come January. Which means now i just need to find a job (in the area) to pay for it. because a job somewhere else would make the commute unpleasant.

news, food, tv, wtf, america, food=幸せ, quotes without context, i am so fucked it's not even funny, the jianjian, posts of oblique references, socializing ftw, unproductive is my tokugi

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