waste of space

Sep 17, 2008 22:15

nikki needs to lose weight. her bras are not fitting, and bras are too expensive for this shit.

job stuff. pray for me. please and thank you.

WHO THE HELL LEAVES FOOD TO ROT IN THE SINK. dear lord. there is a working garbage disposal ok. if you can't bring yourself to throw the food out in the actual trash can, if you feel the need to leave cut up bits of fruit in the sink in the first place, IS IT REALLY SO HARD TO PUT IT DOWN THE DRAIN AND RUN THE GARBAGE DISPOSAL? is it? dude. i am not home all the time to clean up after you. :\\\\
i should probably be happy she put it in the sink in the first place.
edit. ...and now i feel bad because she's got weird stuff showing up on her pap smears.

lately japanese seems to keep happening to me.

my dinner was really good. pasta, meatballs, tomatos. and frozen grapes. sanctified_x is putting ideas in my head.

i somehow seem to suddenly become really tired. idk.

food, myself, 疲れてるけど, hoobaloo!!, japanese, my god is an awesome god, wow you suck, unproductive is my tokugi

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