
Sep 11, 2008 23:26

it was kind of chilly, almost. it threatened rain in the morning erm early afternoon but then the sun came out later.

We went to the zoo. The one in central park. When we got out of the subway and saw all the hawkers, i turned to bean and was like "WHAT EVIL PLACE HAVE YOU TAKEN ME TO?" but they stopped. And then we wandered the park aimlessly for a bit, and then found the zoo. We went to the main branch as well as the petting zoo, though there was very little actual petting going on. I like how the main section is all enclosed with netting so birds of prey don't carry away the exhibits. The best parts were totally the bits for kids, like the giant 'hollow logs' (made of concrete) to crawl through (which i kind of did ^^;) and the rabbits and turtles you could put your face/body into to complete. AND THE LILY PAD BRIDGE! that was awesome.

It was funny to watch some of the birds go 'hoshit kids. waddle towards the fence! quickly!'
The actual petting part was goats, sheep, and alpaca. Alpaca are quite soft, though bean seemed to think it was below her dignity to chase after them to pet them, and felt guilty tricking them into coming to her by pretending to have food. I was low for her, so she could touch.

The 'main' zoo was pretty nice too, for a small place. Not as intelligently designed as the Ueno zoo, but it looked comfy for the animals. Rainforest exhibit (birds, snakes, ants, monkeys, poison dart frogs), japanese macaques, seals, polar bears...
nihongofrancais, we saw a lesson panda!! :Dv

I don't think Bean knew what she was getting into, taking me to a zoo.

Then we took a train downtown and got a snack/late lunch at beard papa's. I got a croissant and crepe with strawberries, bananas, cream, maple syrup and chocolate sauce. The maple syrup was surprisingly really good in. Bean got a potato croquette, a smoothie, and a cream puff.

Then we wandered around for a bit, then walked to chinatown (where i got pastries again at Fay Da) and we got some tea before meeting people for dinner in front of Big Wong's. We didn't eat at Big Wong, mind you. we just met there. For actual food, we went around the corner to the Italian Festival and ate there. The portions were huge. One of Bean's high school friends came, and one of Bean's college friends (i knew her...we might have been floormates? at any rate, we saw a decent amount of each other my sophomore year, but never really talked). And then home.

OMG YESTERDAY I TOTALLY FORGOT ABOUT THE WOMAN CARRYING A HEAD IN A BAG. tinyangl noticed it first. but there was a woman in front of us with a green bag like from a store and inside was a head with dyed-red hair. klfalj it had a face ok.

oh! btw, i think my dad is back in the states. He is, though there was a mix-up with the arrival time because dad was like 'tomorrow' instead of the date (he was flustered because he was running out of minutes on his phone card) so mom went up to get him yesterday. Annie, though, made some money at the airport returning luggage carts.

food: レストラン, food, nikki no baka, america, food=幸せ, annie, mi familia, bakanakoto, weather, with the random

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