(no subject)

Sep 05, 2008 20:16

Got a haircut and a large mosquito bite. Helped mom mail stuff to jianjian and stole some of the hazelnut choco.

flist, stop posting. i cannot win.

stillesprite: We are bitter birds of a feather
anamuan: but that's why coffee tastes so good.

my dream included both (spoken and written) latin, and (written) old english. ...i cannot begin to tell you how much i squeed in my dream about this. I was a prisoner and forced to work in a midget carnival (which is hard. you have to shuffle around on your knees and duck and stuff) and it was like BUT WAIT THERE'S LATIN. COOL!

for dinner was nikki's signature 2cheese lasagna (created today, the first time i made lasagna ever). it was really tasty.

shatteredinu: you don't realize how much porn you write until you try to stop

I would be really pleased to get my diploma.

Mom seems to have karaoke on tv now. Right now, Baby Got Back is going on the screen while she's not paying attention. I'm not sure she really knows what she's doing.

food, tv, nerdly ftw!, lx or bastardizations thereof, quotes without context, mi familia, i am so fucked it's not even funny, dream, with the random, sleep, the jianjian, posts of oblique references, school

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