...and then the world exploded

Sep 04, 2008 20:06

T___T we've left jianjian in MA.

In reverse alphabetical order:
Happy birthday!! You are all such amazing people (and isn't it weird that you share a birthday? i mean, seriously, how many people do i know? not enough that you should all have the same birthday) and i'm glad to know you! I hope your birthdays were absolutely exactly what you wanted and I'm sorry this is a day late.

Doctor's appt this morning. I woke up all by myself for it.
For the record, pap smears are not my favourite procedure ever. Though it wasn't nearly as traumatic as the first time. it's just. it's cold, and it pinches a bit. Apparently, though, my blood pressure and heart-rate are top-rate and my lungs sound good. Exciting things all.

I am too lazy/distracted to commentstalk. This is a very dire state of events indeed.

that meme thingy where someone gives you a band, and you have to put your top 10 favourite songs by them. And then you, in turn, can give other people bands. If anyone wants a band, let me know.
1. Osaka Romanesque
2. Osaka Rainy Blues
3. Eden
4. All of Me for You
5. Naniwa Iroha Bushi afjlkfaljk OMG HOW COULD I FORGET THIS it's probably up somewhere around 1 actually. I LOVE THIS SONG SO MUCH.
6. Itsuka Mata...
7. Naniwa Iroha Bushi. again. and still higher up.
8. Wahaha
9. BJ
10. Kanfuu Fighting. Ok, to be honest, i kind of hate this song. BUT I HATE IT IN A WAY THAT LOOKS A LOT LIKE LOVE.

疲れてるけど, america, i am so fucked it's not even funny, meme, sleep, the jianjian, teh internets = my sanity, unproductive is my tokugi

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