
Jul 25, 2008 21:37

Think of Kill Bill as a musical.

oh, so yesterday i bought 35 dollars worth of prints from kodak because they are bastards but i want to keep my pictures anyway. After tax it was 43, but after 25% discount, it still cost less than the actual prints, so WIN!
even though kodak are still bastards. picking enough pictures took like 3 and a half hours. Though my apartment (whenever i next have an apartment) will be really cool looking. me takes good pictures.

still having a wonky period. I know it could be much, much worse, but it's just that i've never had any kind of menstrual problems before. I mean, i'm not bleeding out and I've not had any cramps this time around. But it started funny, and i'm still bleeding and it's gone on twice as long as normal.
I wonder if i shouldn't go to the doctor.

after pictures, we went grocery shopping for a really long time.

it's nice to use my computer on a desk, and to have outlet power (which means to be upstairs), but downstairs, the internet speed is amazing (next to the router).

i feel really fat right now. a week at home. perhaps i'm gaining weight.

If i have to move back home semi-permanently, i don't know what i'm going to do with my clothes. they will not fit in the tiny (but matching!) dresser i got when annie and i switched rooms.

watch me be vain, wow you suck, i hate myself sometimes, posts of oblique references, the jianjian

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